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Everything posted by MeanGreenQueen

  1. It's a decent place. Lots of TVs and good food. Kind of an upscale (or upscale looking) sports bar.
  2. He mostly talked about the new facilities, tailgating, and fan/student involvement. There was no such thing as tailgating at NT when he was here the first time and with tailgating comes the fan/student involvement. Something about Coach Dodge going to the Marketing department and working with them to have their students work on a marketing plan to promote the season/football/athletics on campus and in the community, too. And of course the new AD wasn't here, so that's a huge upgrade. Dodge and his staff said it's probably the nicest workout facility they've ever seen and worked with. I'm sure much more was said, but there was a lot to take in, so someone else please chime in if I didn't mention something.
  3. By the way... we sat next to a former cheerleader and dancer and they were taking notes so they could teach basic offense and defense to the squads.
  4. Notre Dame is very unstable in the top 25. They were ranked in 2006, but not in 2004 or 2005. They were ranked in 2003, but not 2002.
  5. Last night at the Football 101 they said they were expecting about 600 at the BBQ on Saturday.
  6. I went with illuvius' gal and we had a great time. There were about 125-150 there, a much bigger turn out that I would have thought. We got a pink t-shirt and a car flag and some other goodies from State Farm who was the sponsor for the event. Coach Dodge spoke and did a Q&A with his wife about the upcoming season and team as well as their personal life. There was a players pannel with some very good questions asked such as "Why did you choose North Texas?" The answers ranged from "It was close to home" to "They were the only school that really took interest in me and treated me really well on my recruiting visit" to "I was shown around by Andrew Smith." We were given a quick tutorial on offense and defense, but it was very basic stuff. It was a very lively crowd with plenty to drink! They players were awesome and seemed to have a great relationship with Coach Dodge already. Coach Dodge was asked about how he was preparing his team for the OU game and his response was, "I don't know how to coach an underdog team. This is not a bodybag game, this is an opportunity game." So I am very excited about this season. See you all at the BBQ!
  7. Whoo hooo.............Zeke wins. Three Pointers North Texas: 13 - 28 Troy: 11 - 27 Glad to get the win. I just hope we don't have to count on the 3 falling every night. Ooops...........this is Zeke.
  8. So who was playing center on this play? Are they practicing today (Friday)? oops..........this is Zeke
  9. I can't play, but I would like a t-shirt. Green Medium please with "MeanGreenQueen" on the back. Thanks
  10. Glad to see my dog has became smack board fodder. Slider still thought it was funny.
  11. You can order them through the Lone Star chapter of the Shih Tzu & Lhasa Apso Rescue Club. Here is the site... 2006 Shih Tzu Calendar
  12. Ok, so I have a little Shih Tzu dog and took his picture in a NT Helmet (my avatar) awhile back and then later entered the picture in a contest for a Shih Tzu Calendar. Long story short, his pictured was among the top votes and is now in this Calendar that is sold Nation-wide. It's kinda dorky, but cool to see our Helmet in a random calendar. Gets us a little pub for anyone who buys/sees the calendar. Here's a pic of it.... Slider (my dog's name, as in the baseball pitch) is one of twelve on the month of January 2006. NT Helmet Calendar pic
  13. I was at the Denton Triangle Mall today and was passing by Hat World when a big green sign with "Free North Texas Football game ticket" on it caught my eye. The sign goes on to say that you get a free game ticket to the Louisiana Monroe football game with a hat purchase of $20 or more. They have a big display with of all their North Texas hats and that sign. I think it's a great promotion! Props to the athletic dept. (or whoever set it up) for getting something out into the community like that.
  14. This Sunday, September 11, all Johnny Carino's locations will be donating 15% of their sales to the American Red Cross which will in turn go towards the Hurricane Katrina Victim fund. So if you've been wondering how or what you can do to help, but haven't been able to do anything yet, take your family out for a great lunch or dinner this Sunday at Johnny Carino's. It's an easy way to help!! Locations in Lewisville, Irving, Mesquite, Rockwall, Ft. Wort and everywhere else!! Carino's Locations
  15. Watching the TCU/OU game..... OU is not looking so good for their first game of the season. So far TCU is winning with a score of 10-0. Helps that they have a senior quarter back, Gunn, who we played against a few years ago. As much fun as it is to see OU lose, I would really like to see them step it up a bit today since we recruit against TCU more than OU.
  16. These were just taken with a camera phone, not great quality, but you get the idea. Also..............notice the new helmet logo is being marketed more and more as well as notice a former SMU player who has himself a poster at their stadium. Rejected Logos Ooops........Zeke
  17. So someone beat me to it..... I just noticed that at the bottom of the shirt it says "Fouts Stadium." I never here is called that. Shouldn't it say "Fouts Field?" or do we use both?
  18. I bought a shirt today at Voertman's with the 2005 schedule on the back, but on the front is a green helmet with North Texas in white in the new font/logo. Think that means anything....?
  19. Click Here Lots of fun today. Just a few of the shots taken today.
  20. From MeanGreenSports.com
  21. I live by there and have noticed that logo many times. Probably looks better than most logos we have had. It is an interlocked NT.
  22. I live in Lewisville and can pick up ice here (or in Denton) on the way if I need to. Let me know if I can help!
  23. Goodness gracious..........did you loose your ability to spell as well?
  24. Wow, that is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
  25. Who's going???? Anyone???
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