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Everything posted by MGW

  1. 8 - 42 41 - 62 #s don't lie, only fake finch.
  2. I've got my new signature.
  3. Great to "see" you guys in the chat. What a great day! GOD BLESS AMERICA! GOD BLESS NORTH TEXAS! whoooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  4. Definitely less than 10K, hopefully more than 5K.
  5. IfWe’re stuck with Dickey for one more year, then there ain't no way we will find a way to get a decent QB in Denton.
  6. If the opinion of RV, as Athletic Director, is not enough to result in the termination of Dickey as Head Coach, then, as RV, I'd be scared about the security of my own position. He is inept or wants him to stay. Either way, not a good position to be in as an AD.
  7. I'll take "Tasteless Jokes" for a $100, Alex.
  8. MGW

    Head Count

    I stopped drinking the Kool Aid after a bad experience in or around Bourbon Street.
  9. MGW

    Head Count

    For the sake of clarification, are either of you putting forward some argument that the economics of the situation requires us to keep DD? Or are you just saying that the decision will be made to keep him because we can't afford a new coach? It appears to me that the longer we keep DD, the worse off we'll be - thus, I think the economics of the situation demands we eat his buy out clause. I think Stebo will eat DD's buy out clause - literally, not figuratively.
  10. MGW

    Head Count

  11. How many fall under the umbrella of "I still support Dickey"? In other words, who doesn't think he should be let go? If you're some kind of pragmatist, and you think we can't fire Dickey because of the $, then you fall under the "I still support Dickey" umbrella. From a recent poll, (before the Troy game) the percentage of people who thought DD should be let go was right at 90% here on GMG. Who the hell are the rest of you 10%?
  12. Mmmmmm turd sandwich
  13. Welcome to the club.
  14. I just have 2 words in response to this post: "Good post, man."
  15. SMU has a great law school. No need to put them down in this regard. Now football, that's another matter. Very interesting thread. Good posts.
  16. MGW


    What would you classify as a legitimate reason? People need to realize that DD's inept offensive scheme, the degredation of the defense since the departure of Deloach, the disgust the coaching staff has for the university and its fans, our absolute ineffectiveness against any D1A school ranked above 100, etc... are all LEGITIMATE REASONS for missing the game. You can play ostrich to the reality, but every year that DD remains our coach, we will continue to see empty stands and apathetic alumni. The reason many of us support our football program and believe further investment in the sports program is wise is because it affords the university the opportunity to evolve from its commuter school image into a college that fosters an environment of school pride and one that reconnects alumni to the university. So long as we continue the course we're on, with countless examples of LEGITIMATE REASONS why our fans become apathetic and lose interest in the football program, we can at best expect to compete in the Sun Belt. Aim higher. Can DD.
  17. I suspect the latter.
  18. Pretty dang good...
  19. Don't hassle the Hoff.
  20. Great pics!
  21. I'm confused. Per UNT's site http://www.unt.edu/pais/insert/uagaw.htm The UNT mascot is the eagle and the school colors are green and white. UNT athletes are also known as the “Mean Green” or the “Mean Green Eagles.”
  22. Why would that be unjust?
  23. Sound on web sites drives me nuts - especially the eagle scream b/c it is the most likely to cause one to spill coffee in their lap. It reminds me of the Colber Report's eagle scream, though without the ironic wit.
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