SUE! First, I am sad I didn't get to see you before the game. I hope to meet up with you some game this year to deliver that Scotch I promised you back in '02. Second, great post. Yep. After so many years of Dickeyball, even though we lost on Saturday - I had more fun at the game than I have had in years... shoot, decades! Our offense is fun to watch, and we certainly proved capable of moving the ball. I was sitting with some friends from SMU, and watching us go up 14-3 was pretty sweet. I know SMU fans respect Todd Dodge. Even though so many of their internet posting fans are jerks - I thought all of the SMU fans I interacted with to be especially pleasant even though I was wearing green. One thing is certain: as a "traveling" fan base, we proved to be worthy of scheduling as often as possible in the future. (Did you hear that TCU?) I was very impressed with our showing, both in the stands and on the field. To use a SUE-ism, we have got a lot of Pollyannas amongst us. As far as I am concerned, lower your expectations regarding this year's team regarding wins-and-losses. All of this is lagniappe, as far as I'm concerned. I never expected to see that kind of offensive prowess as a Mean Green fan (our offense, that is). Damn Skippy. As said by the great SUE, "601 freaking yeards", people! Great post. GO MEAN GREEN!