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Everything posted by MGW

  1. First, thanks for posting. Second, Fouts looks a lot better. From what I've heard, I will also be able to urinate in the men's mestroom without fear of infection. That's a plus. Speaking of Dodge, 601 Freaking Yards! Re the car mfr, I think they have really come out with a lot of sharp looking rides recently.
  2. :drool: If it can happen at Troy, it can happen at UNT.
  3. I've got a sneaking suspicion our defense is going to live up to the Mean Green genesis. UNT 34 FAU 24
  4. Misuse of "your" - 15 Misuse of "Nazi's" -10 And though you call me a nazi, let it be known that I simply consider myself a defender of the academic work product that should come from UNT. No offense intended. You're still at a 75. That's passing. GO MEAN GREEN!
  5. MGW

    Stebo will always be my president.

  6. Blasphemy! Laurie, you're doing a horrible job at censoring.... Check out youtube for the University of FLorida taser incident for instruction on how to censor. (On a serious note, thanks for posting; that was a lot of very interesting info...)
  7. SUE! First, I am sad I didn't get to see you before the game. I hope to meet up with you some game this year to deliver that Scotch I promised you back in '02. Second, great post. Yep. After so many years of Dickeyball, even though we lost on Saturday - I had more fun at the game than I have had in years... shoot, decades! Our offense is fun to watch, and we certainly proved capable of moving the ball. I was sitting with some friends from SMU, and watching us go up 14-3 was pretty sweet. I know SMU fans respect Todd Dodge. Even though so many of their internet posting fans are jerks - I thought all of the SMU fans I interacted with to be especially pleasant even though I was wearing green. One thing is certain: as a "traveling" fan base, we proved to be worthy of scheduling as often as possible in the future. (Did you hear that TCU?) I was very impressed with our showing, both in the stands and on the field. To use a SUE-ism, we have got a lot of Pollyannas amongst us. As far as I am concerned, lower your expectations regarding this year's team regarding wins-and-losses. All of this is lagniappe, as far as I'm concerned. I never expected to see that kind of offensive prowess as a Mean Green fan (our offense, that is). Damn Skippy. As said by the great SUE, "601 freaking yeards", people! Great post. GO MEAN GREEN!
  8. Alas.
  9. No offense taken. I consider myself a relative newcomer to UNT athletics, having only followed the Mean Green since my arrival at the school in 1995. The one constant during my tenure as a Mean Green fan has been the high expectations of our fans leading into every season. With respect to this year's team, and this year's expectation of the GMG mob (or is it mopes?), I read many posters expecting the Mean Green to be a top 25 team by year's end. Don't get me wrong - I hope that happens, but I do not expect that to happen. Dickey ball would have kept the score closer on Saturday, but I appreciate our new style of play and our willingness to attempt to slug it out with Oklahoma. As far as this year is concerned, OU was a body bag game. Sure, 79-10 stings, but realize this is a rebuilding year and our coach didn't play run down the clock just so we can keep with within 50. Because it is a new system Dodge is implementing, I think SMU might be a tougher challenge than it was for the Mean Green last year. For me, losing to SMU would be more painful than getting spizanked by OU. All that said, the good thing about lowering your expectations for this year's team is that the wins will be sweeter and the losses won't hurt nearly as much - especially last week's game. GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. Mmmm animal shit. Seriously, Brett... what do you reallying think? Are you going to the SMU game - I'd like to drink one of your beers if so.
  11. Thanks for the informative post. Any prediction on the line? I guess that all depends on what SMU does v. Tech and our game v. the Sooners.
  12. I miss the 90's. Except for Vanilla Ice and Sigma Nus. My suggestion to immediately and dramatically spike exes enrollment: waive all fees for new or returning members and give current members an additional year free. Consider it an investment where you get everyone, existing and new members, a free year and then provide networking and other alumni organizational offerings and expect a considerable return on your loss of short term revenue.
  13. Welcome back to UNT football, Scottie! I'll buy you a beer before the SMU game. Wait a minute... Oh. I mean Stebo. In any event, I look forward to seeing you this upcoming season, brother!
  14. God schmod. I'm the decider. New stadium in 2011, with real fake grass. And an awesome presidential library just down the road in my honor, GW, (God to you). Go Mean Green! p.s. Above political joke is in jest, except to the extent it upsets SUE. p.p.s. MGW = Mean Green Wave, but in light of my avatar, sometimes I take on the role of Mean George W. (Bush)
  15. Medio Jose Verde
  16. In the name of decency, perhaps one should consider locking this thread. I'm all for classless/sexist threads, but I prefer to see them on the MTSU board.
  17. I wants me some Green Grenade!
  18. We're not the Mean Green Wave?
  19. It is good to be green, indeed.
  20. Thanks, Dr. Phil. Er, Dr. Travis.
  21. I agree 100%. Or, in coaching parlance, I agree 110%. Thanks for posting and best of luck to you in the future - unless you ever coach for SMU.
  22. That looks great!
  23. Thanks for the info! That clears it up for me.
  24. Going dancing by beating ASU would be sweet....
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