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Everything posted by NTPhiKap99

  1. I really think it's time to raise the bar 18 years or bust.
  2. Don't worry all of our commuters will be there.
  3. Sounds good lets do that.
  4. Well said.
  5. New stadium = better competition coming to Denton But I hate to tell everyone Texas won't even consider coming to Denton unless Texas OU goes to a home and home. SMU has a new stadium and TCU has a stadium that holds 46000 and Texas hasn't been to either since the SWC folded and they won't return to either anytime soon. The already play in Dallas once a year and have a better recruiting hold on DFW than any other school so they have nothing to gain by playing at any of the DFW schools.
  6. Still too soon.
  7. Anymore we haven't even had the 2 for 1 games. The past ten years we've had a 2 for 1 with Baylor and Tech(Texas Stadium) and eventually K-State will come here. I want big time teams coming into Denton I don't care if we are playing 3 for 1 it's better than the 2 for 0 we've been getting.
  8. I really hate having to agree with something I really wish wasn't true.
  9. First off I agree we aren't selling ourselves the right way but I've got to ask what should we be marketing. Unfortunately at this point we can't compete in some areas as far as athletics and school prestige so what should we be marketing. I don't like the current campaigns but I really can't think of much other than academic diversity, location and the value of the degree to throw out there. I love Denton and had way too much fun during my 6 years there but you really can't sell the bar scene to incoming freshman on a flier. You can't show them a packed stadium or long athletics tradition. So since we all agree we're marketing the school the wrong way I guess I'm asking what should we be selling?
  10. Our exposer has definitely grown in the past decade but you still see way too many logos from other schools on campus. I don't like seeing UT, A$M, OU gear on campus but I can let some of those slide but I was on campus last week and saw a UCF hat and a San Jose State tee shirt I just can't forgive that.
  11. They are a rival and it's always good to know what they are up to. But even though they occasionally bash us on their board I can't help but notice we obsess a bit more about them than they do us.
  12. Yeah he will report with all of the other incoming freshman for fall practice.
  13. Your right I wouldn't even want North Texas to win a National Championship unless I knew our QB was going to win the Super Bowl his rookie year in thh NFL. Rookie of the year and making making the playoffs just doesn't cut it. I agree that just because Texas is interested doesn't mean they are better but don't bring Vince Young is a bust into it. You know who really suck Danny Wueffel, Josh White and Chris Weinke who honestly would want to win a Heisman and national championship it they are just going to suck it up in the pros.
  14. That's true in state teams have no reason to come here even with a new stadium. But we can try to draw other BCS teams that are looking for recruiting exposer in DFW.
  15. I don't know the cool thing these days is to get a waiver and play immediately.
  16. I've been getting that a lot lately I've got start drink more I'm not used to thinking and rationalizing this much.
  17. Your right he's had a full year to transition from high school TE to D1 college DT he should be starting by now. Give the kid an Dodge a break he's going to be a red shirt freshman and is making a pretty big switch in positions if he's not playing by the end of the season or next spring then I can start to consider him to be a bust.
  18. Needing to leave to get the bleeding under control is one thing but if he misses a single snap after today for this he should cut.
  19. Bad stadium or not it's what we've got and if you want to see NT football that's where you go. I'd much rather see a game at a new state of the art stadium but until then I'm ecstatic every time I walk into Fouts. I personally voted for seeing the product on the fields but I understand people can get attached to the atmosphere and the memories. The new Cowboys stadium will be the best stadium ever built but I've seen hundreds of games at Texas stadium and have great memories there so even though it's an upgrade I'll still miss the old stadium and the experiences I had there.
  20. You've still got to win the job on the field though. Even before he got hurt last year Montgomery wasn't looking too good sometimes it takes guys some time to adjust. I assume both Jenkins and Hollivay will start too but missing this spring may hold them back until the can catch up with the speed of the game.
  21. It's Jenkins who has issues but it shouldn't be a big deal he just has to complete 19 hours over this semester and summer before he qualifies.
  22. Very good well informed clear and concise answer. If only I knew what it meant.
  23. I really can't remember the last time a graduate assistant decided who the starting QB would be so what does any of this have to do with cold beer.
  24. Then we'll wish them both the best of luck and start looking for a new head coach.
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