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Everything posted by NTPhiKap99

  1. <H2 class=date-header>August 26, 2007</H2><H3 class=entry-header>UNT recruits ranked by Morning News</H3>North Texas was well represented when The Dallas Morning News' rankings of the top 100 college football recruits in the area came out today. UNT has five players in the top 100 already committed: athlete Riley Dodge at 22, running back Lance Dunbar of Haltom at 63, offensive lineman Troy Franklin of Celina at 66, linebacker Derek Tomlin of Southlake Carroll at 81and athlete Willie Taylor of Dallas Hillcrest at 97. It wasn't a big secret that UNT is doing well early, but the DMN list is just another indication of where the experts believe the Mean Green's recruits rank. UNT is listed as an option for several of the area's other top players who have yet to pick their college destination. I found it pretty ironic that the list came out on the same day a Morning News story about Baylor's Joe Pawelek. None of the experts thought the linebacker would amount to much, but he has turned into a standout player for the Bears. I site the recruiting rankings just like everyone else in the newspaper business, and personally I think those ratings are a pretty good gauge of how a school is faring each season. If you swim with the big fishes in terms of recruits, you tend to have a higher success rate in terms of players panning out. The Morning News list is just another indication that the Mean Green is following that same line of thinking -- one that will pay off in the long run. Posted by Brett Vito at 3:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)
  2. Any chance this football cathedral comes in under budget and Jerry kicks some money our way.
  3. I doubt it the DMN pulls there rankings from rivals and he was rated #58 in the state while he was committed to Texas. But the QB versus Athlete issue does disturb me.
  4. That has pissed me off as well he would have been ranked higher on most list if he was listed as a QB instead of an athlete. But regardless of the position he's still the biggest recruit we've had since Jamario.
  5. I’ve gotta agree the stadium itself is still a hell hole but the field looks great as is.
  6. You picked the same 5 of the 10 I'm really hoping for. I'm ecstatic about the 5 we already have verbal commitments from but if we can add 5 more and take 10% of the list I think it really sends a message to the other schools in the state.
  7. Dallas Morning news Area Top 100 Remember our only 2007 recruit to make this list was Jordan Scoggins at #97 Lance Dunbar RB Haltom #63 Troy Franklin OL Celina #66 Derek Tomlin LB Southlake Carroll #81 Riley Dodge ATH Southlake Carroll #22 Willie Taylor ATH Hillcrest #97 Still in the running for Chris Givens RB Wylie #62 Sam Schartzstein OL Southlake Carroll #67 Evan Epstein OL Bishop Lynch #71 Eric Mebane DL Arlington Bowie #69 Joel Wilson DL Garland #87 Devin Smith DB Coppell #41 David Cato DB Mansfield Summit #55 Jarrett Ben DB Garland #70 John Shorter DB Lake Highlands #85 Troy Stoudermire ATH Skyline #45
  8. I'm tired of teams changing just for the sake of change. I agree there are some bad uniforms out there but most of these new tricked up uniforms are worse than the old ones. Yet I do like that they are giving the fans a say in the process.
  9. Interesting idea but we’d have to switch to natural grass I doubt a lawn company would advertise on something they couldn’t mow.
  10. How do you know about tomorrows interview?
  11. I fought the urge to say that all morning but when it comes down to it the only necessity is cold beer.
  12. Come on someone has to ask the hard hitting questions.
  13. I really don’t see what the big deal is. I do see touchbacks going way down but average field position should only change by about 5 yards. As for penalties you pretty much always accepted a 15 yard penalty before since they were already kicking from the 20. Does making more returns give you a better shot at a big return yes but I really can’t see this drastically changing strategy like some people think.
  14. Since we don't really have a TE on the roster and most we'd use probably have ineligable numbers I'd expect to see that a lot in short yardage.
  15. Each half of that game could have made the list individually.
  16. A TE is a good weapon I understand his system doesn’t use it often but in short yardage and goal line situations it never hurts to have an extra blocker who can also slip out into a route.
  17. You know you can't mention these topics in public. I dread what comes next.
  18. Because regardless of how good our band is it’s still acoustic we need loud obnoxious electric music for an intro.
  19. Bo actually got hurt the week before in the game against Cincinnati.
  20. That we do have to consider. But we all want more exposure and this will mean better competition and more money for the Bowl. We think the Sun Belt can hang with the big boys here’s our chance to do it at the end of the season when it means something. If we can start beating BSC teams in December the country will take notice and if not we still get the increased revenue and added media coverage.
  21. Correction I didn't say they were wrong I just said they were never right.
  22. Yeah but it also becomes a much bigger win for Sun Belt team.
  23. I didn't realize he turned down a chance to play for Dickey.
  24. So would I but don't forget baseball, basketball and hockey season.
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