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Everything posted by NTPhiKap99

  1. I'm not an engineer but if the water table is the problem I'd assume the water table is too close to the current ground level of fouts to dig any deeper.
  2. This may not be too big a deal since the major donors have more money than god but how much do you think the Cowboys new stadium will effect our fund raising. It looks like Jerry wants 200k in PSL's for my family to keep our four seats that's defiantly going to cut into what I can donate for a new stadium in Denton.
  3. That drop happens when a 1-8 team plays a D1 transitional team two days after thanksgiving. I'd hoped for more but all in all good numbers.
  4. I'm sure after this past year Utah State would let him go.
  5. I disagree if he's there he's there for Chase. It's a formal event if he has a choice back Chase and wear something SLC. Either way we get the pub when they announce Chase's former highschool coach and current head coach of North Texas Todd Dodge.
  6. I thank everyone on this board knows what Denton has to offer a new recruit as far as atmosphere, night life, women, academic and just a great overall college experience I know I do. As for the program it's self with a 2-9 season we greatly increase attendance and interest in the program. The offense is fun and explosive which gives player a chance to put up numbers that will get you noticed. The Sunbelt has taken some be strides this year and won some big games against BCS teams and with the new system NT should be on the verge of those wins as well. We offer a great experience in a metropolitan area with a fast paced system and the ability to play and contribute early to an up and coming program.
  7. Why wouldn't Fran want DD with that high powered offense and his great recruiting connections in the area? Wait ignore that I just saw the problem with my question.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me; we don't have a bowl game to prepare for; there's not SLC game for him to go to. If Chase was the front runner I'm sure he'd be there but either way I hope he shows you know he'd get a mention and it would only be good PR for the program.
  9. This idea kinda scares me after what navy did to us on the ground are we sure we can stop the Dickey draw.
  10. That's one of the things I love about this board you can spend months or even years away and people are still talking about the same things and still getting nowhere.
  11. I agree Dodge is a failure fire him now he's had 11 months and can someone get me a time machine I've gotta go back to 1989 and convince Jerry to fire Jimmy.
  12. Can we pay for the stadium in golfballs?
  13. I'd agree but the NCAA will never dish out another death penalty like the did last time.
  14. Through talegating, road games, NO bowls and the tourney in NO I've met most of the big players on the board except Oldtimer. We've talked recruiting several times but I've yet to met him in person.
  15. Age isn't Fouts problem it's the design and the track that holds us back. Most great stadiums nationwide are older than Fouts but they are better maintained and better designed with much better sight lines. Age doesn't matter functionality does and Fouts just isn't a major college football stadium.
  16. Congrat Pat!! I added him to two of three fantasy rosters last week when it was possible he may start hopefully this week it will pan out.
  17. Returning from the game GO COWBOYS and the atmosphere was great most of the game but I do have to say there were way too many pack fans there. There were times the boys were on offense I thought we were on the road it was so load. I know Dallas has as lot of transplants but for a game this big there shouldn't have been that big of a spit in the crowd.
  18. No doubt Tuberville is a great coach but why would he leave Auburn for Arkansas I can't see Arkansas paying much more and Auburns just a better program.
  19. Do I like Neuheisel no is he cancer to a program long term yes but does the guy win yes. He can win he can recruit and he knows how to spend boosters money which smu has plenty of. Do I think he'll end up at smu not really but I really hope he doesn't it could only hurt us if only a little bit.
  20. It looks like we are pretty close to the Big XII also maybe we should play there. Lets take the steps we can for now we've got an extra home game lets try to win a few more next year and good things might happen. Or we can just sit here and complain about finishing second to last in in a conference we're apparently too good for qualifies us to move to any other conference.
  21. Gado has had his chance in Green Bay a couple years ago and started a few games. Patrick deserves his shot now you never know if he'll get another one.
  22. Lets not complain about conferences now I'm just happy we're getting an extra home game and bringing in beatable competition.
  23. Atleast he knows about the other forums but realizes noone else visits him. You've gotta post to get the most traffic in the time allowed. An hour long post on the football board even though it gets bumped still covers more ground than a week long post on the non-sports board.
  24. He's a texas guy and I doubt Kentucky was paying a mil a year.
  25. I agree a new SWC would be amazing but we talk about it 10 times a year. We normally always come up with the same teams all within 500 miles of home but it still remains a dream.
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