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Everything posted by wardly

  1. either we did't realize how far down in the well we were, or t.d. is over his head. i think the former rather than the latter. a former head coach told the that t.d. will have little problem recruiting receivers/q.b.'s. the hard sell will be linemen/d.b.'s. look at how long it has taken texas tech to get a decent defense to complement its high powered offense. he has a 5 year contract. let's let it play out.
  2. f.a.u has a city owned soccer stadium that the owls play in which seats 10,000 or so. while they also are trying to build a new stadium, no ground breaking yet. however, their staff is able to recruit. let give dodge 3/5 years to rebuild.
  3. i don't think we are ranked much higher than utah state. are you unhappy with our o.c.? before you continue to bash d.d., go back to the end of hayen fry's era and do the following: 1] how many head coaches since fry? 2] how many winning seasons? 3] how many conference championships? 4] how many bowl games?
  4. basketball schedules, unlike football, are created by the head basketball coach, not the athletic director.
  5. we are about 116 out of 121 1a programs, so i think not. wardly
  6. student athletic fees should be an indiciator as to the interest/support for athletics from the student body. if so, then ours is very low, which begs the question, " who are we trying to build a new stadium for?" it appears that the students don't want it, and the alumni won't pay for it. appears to be a formula for failure.
  7. our team may be the "mean green," but our grads are the " lean green" when it comes to giving. in addition, our student body shows no interest in contributing to athletics via student fees. this history of non giving, coupled with our past idenity as a teacher/comute school, and no positive direction until recently from administration , is why our athletic program is underfunded and most facalities outdated. money can solve these problems, but it musy be a grass roots movement, as i see no boone t. pickens on the horizon.
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