you can't blame our drop to 1aa on the "wicked" administration. life is "what do you want, what do you need and what are you willing to pay for". at that time, 1a required 15,000 butts in the seat in a 30,000 seat stadium. we didn't average 15,000 during hayden fry's tenure, and the only way we were able to meet stadium reguirements was when a grad gave $1 million for 10,000 bleacher seats. since my freshman year of 61, there have been no major improvements to the football facalities untill the new ad building, and none to the stadium. the problem is money, or lack thereof. n.t. grads want some one else to buy them fine wine when they are only willing to pay for ripple. if r.v. can pull a new stadium off in the economic enviroment, he can probably walk on water.