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Everything posted by wardly

  1. With UTSA getting upset by Rice tonight's game might be for all the marbles.
  2. Hochaton Distillery from Oklahoma is private labeling a "Mean Green Reserve Straight Bourbon" retailing for $70.00. The price would indicate a quality product( Oklahoma State is also using Hochaton for a private label bourbon) . Has anyone tried ours?
  3. Every conference has dead weight. If these 3 were removed then they would be replaced by 3 more, maybe even us.
  4. I though Rice was going to open up it's purse strings somewhat for athletics. Also Tulsa has a small fan base but they have money. Charlotte may have a problem but its $10 million over 3 years as I understand it so maybe not. I do think its positive that the AAC set a benchmark for its members.
  5. I am in Frisco, used to have 2 floor seats, but at age 82 I just don't want the night drive. I also gave up 2 club seats after getting Covid twice and wanted to avoid large crowds. Wait! This is North Texas athletics. No need to worry about large crowds.
  6. Hope you are right, but we gave Mac a shot and he liked it here. Despite our record I think our men's attendance is down significantly and when opportunity knocks you need to listen. Your first loyalty is to your family, not your employer.
  7. ESPN ranks Ross Hodge #12 of top 20 mid major coaches ready to make the jump to a P4 program. Personally I expect him to win the AAC "Coach of the Year" and move onward and upward.
  8. Exciting game, good win . On TV attendance looked ok but I have not seen actual number.
  9. Just my guess and by golly, but UTSA and TSU are basically in the same market. UNT with either TSU or UTSA makes more sense . UNT covers the DFW market and TSU Austin/ San Antonia. This may be a slam dunk for TSU because of the low SBC buyout as well as their small media revenue . However I just don't see UNT as a risk taker. The PAC will know its media rights income this month which I doubt will be more than the AAC. In addition I have NEVER been right on conference realignment as I continue to wrongfully believe that geography matters.
  10. Thanks for correcting me. I was close enough for government work.
  11. The BIG Mountain podcast says St. Mary's in for basketball and Texas State for all sports. Texas State has a cheap buyout [$5 million] while the AAC program buyouts are cost prohibitive [$15 million]. The PAC then takes a pause and see how their arbitration with the MWC plays out.
  12. So I just returned from Ft. Lauderdale after a brief visit with my son. We went to the UNT/FAU game and here are my observations about the Owl's basketball venue. It is a glorified high school gym. Granted they did put lipstick on a pig by installing a scoreboard at one end that gives you continuous updated statistics and about 5 bare bones" suites" at the other. By bare bones I mean a scorers table with about 6 chairs behind it in each one.The student section and band is on one side of the gym and non students on the other. Our tickets were 3 flights up on about the 20 yard line and cost $50.00 each[ that's not a misprint]. The announced attendance was 3,100 which is max but the student section was only half full. If you loved the original Snake Pitt of the 60's, which I did, then you will feel at home at The Burrow. Otherwise it's pretty much a joke.
  13. Wichita favored over UAB
  14. UTA tried joining the MVC but was turned down as being out of their geographical footprint.
  15. Wichita favored over UAB
  16. I use ebay.At age 82 I buy used gear. I went to the SMU/Memphis game a few years ago and no one was there.
  17. I went to the SMU/Memphis game a few years ago and no one was there.
  18. I don't know about having home court advantage. We have fewer fans at Dickies than the Super Pit.
  19. Our out of conference home game schedule really need improvement. While we may not get SMU or the Frogs,I think UTA would be a decent draw and a natural rival. How about thinking outside the box? Try a promotion offering TWU students bus transportation and a $5.00 ticket. Try local promotions with our high schools. I would think someone has done a survey asking UNT students what would it take for them to attend our sporting events . I would think.......
  20. Agreed! We must somehow get the students to games.
  21. Agreed! We must somehow get the students to games.
  22. Good to know.
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