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wardly last won the day on August 23 2024

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  1. Do they have a top assistant ready to make the move up?
  2. Just guessing but perhaps our new president didn't want to rock the boat with staff. At the end of the day it was his call.
  3. In the real world people look for ways to get things done. In academics not so much.
  4. Being a basketball school is more than W's and L's. Its about student cheeks in the seats,support from administration, and NIL dollars, not cents, from alumni. Until we ring all the bells we are a basketball school want-a-be.
  5. Women must go on road as well, playing at Troy instead of at the Super Pit. Houston looking for a new women's head coach and perhaps we will as well.[hope not]
  6. Wren catching a little heat over hiring. Looks like WVU fans and media were surprised, graded hire between C+ and B.
  7. Do we have the guy? Hodge was a no brainer but what about the staff now?
  8. We do have an identity, which is hard nosed defensive basketball. I would love to keep that and get rid of the rest, which is very little support from students, administration, or alumni. The Troy coach did a great jog at UTA under the same set of circumstances but might not want to revisit them. Coaching hires for the most part seemed to be based upon the buddy system. Our AD's job is to fine some buddy who knows how deep the water is.
  9. We fired him. I think he is done with basketball.
  10. Like the OSU fans did last night.
  11. Utah State head coach turns down WVU to stay at USU. Surprise since he coached at WVU under Huggins. This will be WVY 4th coach in 4 years.
  12. This was NIT decision. We had no bargaining leverage in this so the Cowboys owe us squat.
  13. It starts as a grass roots movement within the student body. Good luck with that.
  14. You are 100% correct! The fact is that athletics is not that important at North Texas and never has been. Not to the students, administration, nor alumni and until it is we will always be sucking hind tit.
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