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Everything posted by BubbaGreen

  1. I'm sure everyone realizes this, but the student section is probably the most significant section of the whole staduim. If this section isn't full then this is a primary predictor of the alumni section attendance numbers for the future. Of course within that section you can create all sorts of traditions, but not until you can fill it on a regular basis. we have made some very significan t progress with in the past few years and Dodge is a great vehicle to move this forward on. Lets make it big!
  2. I hope JQ gets a chance...I would love nothing more too see him on sundays. He is truly one of those kids that went 100% all of the time. Met his dad on a flight to El paso for one of the UNM games, nice guy, see where JQ gets it from. We were truly blessed to have him come to UNT. I always felt, if the ball was in his vicinity then he was was going to go up and fight for it and come down with. I loved watching that kid!
  3. Agreed there are some whiny b^tches on this board. Sorry if this gets me censored. Appreciate the kid making the commitment so early. I've been pretty dissapointed by some the comments on the board as of late. I've been working for the LSu system for the past 2 years( I miss texas) but people live and breathe LSU sports...I recently made a trip to UNT to take a look and was highly encourged. In fact it was my childs first college fist( my wife is pregnant and we took some pictures around campus) I felt giddy with the improvements made around campus. It truley is feeling like an enviroment of higher education. Slowly but surley, I beleive good ole U of Nt is making some significant progress. Give a cheer for good ole U of NT. ...
  4. Yes years ago, funding was denied for a new staduim, so they incorporated dorms and recieved the funding. Dorm are now empty, but it got the job done. Truly amazing to watch a game from that stadium.
  5. Thank you! totally agree////
  6. Thank you!
  7. Agreed, I like the heads up...not sure why everyone is jumping his case...i've seen far worse posts go unchallenged...i think some people are looking for the opportunity to voice a complaint..gimme a break....I've seen some pretty speculative posts since I have been a member, but it has definetly taken a turn for the worse lately...nautique please give out this players ss# number while you are at it for confirmation purposes...maybe that will shut them up...seems some of these attacks could drive some posters away...get a grip
  8. If he is there he should wear a Mean green jersey or a green suit. REPRESENT!
  9. They can have Dickey
  10. agreed and Wooden played well in the second half. Hats off to the squad.
  11. I've got to applaud our guys they fought hard and kept it respectable. I think they might have puckerd up when we pulled within 9. Love White (a little man love) no pun intended.
  12. cowbell is genius!
  13. Agreed..how did he hurt his teeth?
  14. I think the keys to this game were wooden and white. Wooden came in huge with his play and white added another component with his speed up and down the court. From the beginning you could tell this was a different team. Didn't play sloppy, could count on them to score when you needed them to, even if they had lost this game they played this game competatively. Thats all you can ask for...I'll be the first to admit, I doubted JJ when with his underachieving recruiting classes from previous years...but there is a huge upside and could upset a lot of teams if they don't let this win get to thier heads. JJ needs to do some reality checks and have them continue to work hard. Proud to MEAN andn Green...
  15. Give me a break..I recently moved to the Baton rouge area and working for the LSU system..The fans here are brutal..right or wrong, but they hold thier team to a differnt standard. Your right that some of the comments are uncalled for, but have some justification..What I'm saying is that it could be worse. I tell you, I have moved up in this organization pretty well and have the benefit of experiencing some things that the normal fan would not and I tell you it is incredible. I get goose bumps when I here the LSu fight song and never imagined I would feel that way about another team than UNT. I sing it (unt) as i am driving home, but I tell you it(LSU) is contagous. I will be a UNT fan forever, but it is very cool to go to a game where every one in that stadium has a common goal. WIN!!!
  16. I'm sorry KA needed to be gone. That group has had a long history of inproper activity...Not only at UNT but throughout the US....I'm usually pretty tolerant, but this group pushes the envelope and needed the plug pulled. Not saying that all its member are racist, but certainly has some serious undertones and no place for a university setting. I was pretty close to the incident that happened at UNT ...I have no respect for this group. i had threats posted to me when this happened..F'em
  17. This is a pretty huge accusation..and doesn't bode well for Green..either way he will be on the losing end. If there is some displine on the coaching staff, then it hurts the whole team..if his claims are unfounded then he will not have a good position with the staff and team. If he felt wronged by the staff , he should have escalated it through the proper channels WITHIN the unversity before he took it to the NCAA. not sure if he did this, but certainly does not cry out for a civil rights movement. Sometime a kid just says the wrong things and needs to be put in his place. I hope this was not impulsive, but if there is something that needs to be looked into deeper then it should be..but seems wierd that this would be the first instance that something that like this would happen with this staff..hopefully there isn't a fall out w/ a bunch of athletes following suit. i hope this is an isolated instance of a kid who had poor judgment of progression. I would have hoped this would have been handled "in house" but if needed to be escalated to this point.. then good for him, but am hesitant.
  18. Fantastic video...Congrats..I wish the best of luck... Marriage, I recommend it..My wife has straighten me up like Betty Ford could never have done!
  19. Ok I'm still drunk....."check other posts"...but I agree the interlocked NT is the best design.
  20. OK. I hope I am not hallucinating(sp) I had a long night w/friends and am pretty drunk...if this is true I'm about to pass out. If only riley comes is enough ...if newton joins I'm gone for a few weeks at least...don't care if they drop to minus 1 star...f'em..great news for NT
  21. in my days, the coach would have been allowed to retaliate...big time paddling or miserable after practice drills for as long as I could remember. i'm not sure this requires for this kid to have a permanent record. "back in the Day' the coach would have been able to handle this on the field, not in juvi. The kid is 15! Not 29...I remember being 15 and hot tempered. granted I would have never dreamed of punching my coach...because I think he would have kicked my a$$. I made some mistakes in my life and i payed for them dearly, but nothing that was unforgivable. Boohoo, coach got a cut on his face...if the system wasn't so overprotective, they would allow him to get his piece instead of only allowing his only out by calling the fuzz. I'm not a vigilante, but I was one of those kids who learned the hard way, not by getting thrown in jail. For those of you who are wondering, I am director of one of the largest clinical research institutes in the world. would have never been able to be in this position if my teacher's, coaches, or peers would have snitched me to the fuzz. Over reactive...not proactive.. Ruben
  22. Congrats! Johnny
  23. This is great..loooks like Dodge is getting in the mix..who know maybe we can steal one a away from the "big boys" I really like this in unstealth recruiting process..
  24. I am more and more impressed by her every time I read about her. I recently moved to Baton Rouge and work for the LSU system and am impressed by how everyone supports thier university. I really like the fact that she in a manner of speaking tells everyone to stop b*tching and move on to more important issues. So what if you can't find parking 2 minutes away from your class..I would rather spend the money on new buildings than a parking garage..or why people are crying that fry streeet is changing...I had really good memories on that street..at least the ones I can remember..but what business is it mine that I can dictate what they should do with thier own properties...I'd be pretty p*ssed off if someone was try to tell me what I could or couldn't do with my business just because you like the hippies sitting on the street panhandling for money...Give me a break! You go girl!
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