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centex eagle

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Everything posted by centex eagle

  1. Really good wins over Baylor & Aggies. I'm glad Lauren"s team won, but really nice progress for the Eagles!
  2. I have been a reader of the DMN for many years and have always been envious of the coverage the Houston paper gives LOCAL area colleges on the events they just had and are having that day in ALLLL sports when I am visiting. The DMN gives most to pro teams, tex and a&m and a slightly better coverage of football THIS year for locals. If it were Houston, even DBU, UTD, comm.colleges, etc would get some daily props.
  3. if it stands, we are seeing lower level thinking skills at work
  4. my daughter left for half a year after graduation and then missed Denton so much she moved back. A great place for school and life afterward!
  5. put the other bleachers back in, fill it up, bring in a nationaly ranked top 5 team from theMissouri Valley conference and try to hear as everyone stomps and yells for a solid first half as the press does a number on the visitors. No sitting down in those games and a hell of a headache. The after the game party cured it later on.
  6. would it be the cincy game when they had Jim Ard and another tower?
  7. I guess I will not be mad at the fact that my daughter could not get an interview for the asst. ticket director job recently. Great people skills, great looks, great former vp references, unt grad, former exes employee, great marketing skills and unt parents. Would not want to screw up a bad department like that.
  8. Ken graduated in about 74
  9. The lead article in the DMN sports this friday is about North Texas' KEN LOCKER. Ken is a former North Texas trainer, North Texas Sigma Nu, Dallas Cowboys trainer and current director of sports marketing @ Presbyterian Hospital. Ken is involved with athletic traing activities in the Dallas area and this article deals with his administering cutting edge concussion testing on athletes. Great article about a great guy.
  10. great reply ---- collin county or dallas community campuses are also calling her name
  11. never thought it would do much good to argue with people on this board who slam greeks. we supported north texas athletics all my years in school and never felt there was a problem with the rest of the school population. I always figured these arguements were no win situations and just pits one part of north texas support against another and we need all the people on the side of north texas athletics we can get. the current vote and also the need to show game-time support for north texas in spite of the lack of wins should bond fans together.
  12. what a venue when full and playing Cincy, Louiville, Drake, Wichita State,etc. with Little Joe and Whitiker upseting the best in America. Standing and stomping on those wooden pullout bleachers as the press ran up some huge leads to begin games. The noise level created the atmosphere for pressing and the snake pit name.
  13. beer there? can you bring your own beer? got to get back on track with important, topic correct questions.
  14. what womens sport or sports would they add to balance numbers?
  15. 60 would be an increase fron 50 and still a good deal-we came in on fridays and left sunday morning
  16. I had him for a business speech class and he would come in, tell a few current Cowboy tidbits and that put us at ease. We then would give our speeches. Most interesting class I had. He threw in a few sportatorium stories also.
  17. she does need to work on it - the NT does not play college, followed her mother in fashion major
  18. my daughters were on the show tues. at the 4:30 slot
  19. The DCR needs to respond to North Texas in the same maner as the Bryan paper does the university located in their readership area--as a mainly positive promoter of the university that IS the reason the city exists in the first place.
  20. Taveras was a stud for us and his character is what you want on a team to be a TEAM.
  21. the most important thing right now is make sure we all make the ULM game and show everyone how to have a great game-day experience at North Texas. Reload and do it again for homecoming. This is all about turning North Texas games into fun every game until the program is turned around.
  22. what do you mean by spoken for in the blue lot?
  23. who is the person to talk to about parking a travel trailer and if it will be like last year?
  24. Parked my RV in the orange lot last year coming in on Friday night and leaving on Sunday. The web site says orange and blue lots. Which lot to choose this year or a specific name to contact with athletics? thanks
  25. sat on the Mustang side with my SMU coaching daughter, NT daughter and boyfriend, NT wife and must say what a great ballgame to watch. Being on the west side, we got to enjoy the music and watch the great NT crowd. Sure hope this game finds a way to continue. We did want to hear fly like an eagle more often earlier, but they came through in the fourth quarter. The precision on offense will only get better for the home opener and I've got two weeks to get the RV ready. Meager made a lot of great reads and we played tons of people. Nothing better than college football.
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