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Everything posted by risinggreen

  1. It will likely be a little tougher in the hills than it would have been. On the bright side, tickets should be a little easier to come by for those looking to make the trip.
  2. I'll drive the bus for that deal.
  3. So over 10k students, and around 19k non-student tickets sold as of a couple of days before the game? Does that mean SMU's allotment plus walk up sales were only around 500? Why does SMU even bother.
  4. I suspect we could come up with another million, if this season turns into the dream season that we all hope for. Guess I'll wait until December to worry too much about it.
  5. Hope they're avoiding bridges over there.
  6. Very wise pickup. We could definitely use some size at that spot, since we'll likely be playing a lot of small ball next season.
  7. The nice writeup in the DMN might end up being of some benefit. Loved the crowd, and imagine how loud that place could be if we were ever to start filling it up. Future's looking bright.
  8. Great Grandpa said tires were pretty flimsy in the olden days.
  9. Things will be different when we get to our own rims. Look forward to catching both games in person.
  10. Wow, had no idea that was the format. Twenty win season and a banner would be sweet. Well worth the money if we can pull it off.
  11. Neither one are over yet.
  12. I'm good with it. We're young, the season ended on a sour note, and I get to listen to a MG game tonight. All good.
  13. Unusual team. We seem to play competitively with just about everyone, but just can't pull off so many down the stretch. Improvement in a couple of areas and hopefully that changes. Better change quickly as far as this year is concerned.
  14. A pair of Glock 19s with 33 round mags could probably do more damage than an AR. I'm against nuts even owning a BB gun, but where it starts and stops in regard to what approved individuals can own is a difficult question. The approval process has got to be refined in a big way.
  15. Good to hear. Was a great physical talent, and I'm happy to see that he's putting it all together, and is able to continue playing the game he loves for a living. BOL.
  16. Sadly, I think we lost to smu too.
  17. No chance. Beating two big P5 names in non-conference is about the only way. Unless maybe you kill everyone 70-0.
  18. Agreed. Something better kept to ourselves.
  19. Someone please tell me that we let a local high school team sub for us tonight. Pathetic.
  20. If Vito waves his arms around enough we will probably lose him. Thanks a lot.
  21. I'm not sure about the post you're referring to, but I did sear my steaks really well tonight. Nighty night.
  22. 11-3 and we are either ranked or a top vote getter. Depends on our bowl opponent of course, but I would bet on our hitting 25th at 11-3 and a bowl win over someone with "decent name recognition." Also, Rice is a big game in many ways, and they tend to play us tough. No one wants cripples out on the field, but we need to throw our healthy best out there.
  23. The Rice game is FAR from meaningless. I want a chance at an 11-3 record and a slip in for a ranked spot for the first time since the 70's. Also, I doubt that it will happen, but I wouldn't cry if we played in FW against Army once again. I'd prefer something different, but the house would be close to packed.
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