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Everything posted by Travis

  1. No They are not Psychotic or female. UNTLifer mentioned how racist SMU was and I just included how are recent campus safety isn't that great. Does anything that happens in Denton mean it is campus safety issue even when it never happened on campus? I'm not so sure.
  2. Can we just win an away non-conference game?
  3. I think the Sam Houston coach would be a good hire.
  4. Given his track record with QB's here... I am not sure I would put him in charge of QB's. Just sayin'.
  5. Scott Hall's QBR was 136.7 his senior year. If I remember correctly, that was the top 30 his senior year. Oh wait.. i think I see where you got your information... But I would have taken a 14 TD: 4 INT ratio...
  6. I am curious what he will bring for the 2016 season mostly...
  7. I feel that most everything is written to GMG regulars on his blog. We are pretty much the only ones who read it with any regularity.
  8. Can you tell me the MVP of any bowl game this year off the top of your head. It is rather meaningless to keep Mentioning something no one really gives much notice to. Whether he deserves the freaking MVP is irrelevant to my argument that it means little to nothing to most anyone. What does it matter what I have done lately? Unt athletic wise... No one has done anything lately.
  9. Was being the MVP of a game featuring UNLV vs UNT something that big to write home about?! Or, to at least mention it a billion times. I like Vito, but he sounds like UNT90 with RV. And this MVP award really isn't that impressive to me. No one, and I mean NO ONE cares about the mvp award of this bottom rung bowl game much less most every othe bowl game. Why is this worth mentioning over and over and over and over again. I never hear about the MVP of any other bowl game but Vito goes off about it like it is some badge of honor. Can you mention any other MVP of a bowl game off the top of your head? So damn annoying!
  10. I'm not impressed with this one..
  11. When I see comments like, ' haha Vito got beat out by so and so' it makes me realize no wonder school officials don't take us seriously. We are vindictive about everything. And sometimes, simply mean. What's the point of posts like that?! Besides just being mean or an asshole... To each his own I suppose.
  12. Wasn't trying to bash you. I was just saying that what do you like about this team for you to think we can split?
  13. Help me out... What exactly is there to like about this team?
  14. Are you sure he wasn't running to set up the long draw?
  15. We better have Tight Ends. Tell me UNC had Tight Ends/H-Backs.
  16. Actually, it is the fault of us, the fans.
  17. While I agree with most everything you said here.... the only thing I know we both know is that the beating last far more than 20 minutes. Dang. beat me to it.
  18. We need to land at least one of these transfers!!!!
  19. I would love to see him in the athletic department or coaching staff as a GA. he really cares about this place.
  20. This is good news!
  21. Part of the responsibility to grow fan involvement? It is ALL of their responsibility. It is not my responsibility or obligation to go to a North Texas sporting event. I don't have to compel myself. That is something for the Athletic Department to do. What are they going to do to get the masses to want to come? Because looking back, there aint a whole heck of a lot.
  22. Beyond his off the field issues, on the field... he wasn't very good.
  23. I would love to find the Mac hire and see what we were saying then. I think that RV likes to whitewash the past because my memory says there were plenty of people scratching their heads on the Dan hire.
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