I do my best. I just think it sad. this is the movement we are chasing. Take away ownership. If you have a problem... it isn't your fault, it is the world and it's oh-so-very-harsh ways. let's place blame on anything and everything but one actually committing the act. It isn't that murderer's fault... he had a rough child with an abusive father that came in and out of his life and a mother that never really loved him. Never mind the fact that so many decent, community enriching people come out of horrible childhoods. A single gust of wind hits two sails.... one goes east as another goes west. How will you set your sails? Meaning and value are important virtues and always have been. Only now, we get to define what we want to be meaningful. To hell with your reality, i get to create my own. And we aren't allowed to dispute absolute values because that might interfere with another's precious lifestyle... Even if it may be hurting that person and other's around him. Welcome to post-modernity. Life is hard. It is hard on everybody. I understand that. Regardless, we need to grow some balls! Man up! Suck it up and take responsibility for your actions.