it takes just as much "faith" to trust evolution is correct as it does the faith in intelligent design. I think that when explaining possibilities of the origins that both sides should be mentioned regardless. They are both theories. Here is a bright idea... instead of teaching us what we should think... how about teaching us HOW to think and put the evidence and theories all out on the table and let the individual use their own mind and decision making abilities. I think science can do that with both. Furthermore, science (as it is now) doesn't explain everything as most scientist think... and niether does faith in God. Science only explains the things observed by the five senses as it is doesn't explain why we have this moral law, a universal standard, the conscious, neither does it answer the question of why we are here, and what gives us meaning. Faith and science can and should be intertwined... Just ask the chief scientist of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins.