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Everything posted by greenminer

  1. nope...from m-w.com: 3 entries found for caw. caw Audio pronunciation of "caw" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kô) n. The hoarse raucous sound that is characteristic of a crow or similar bird. 3 entries found for kaw. Kan·sa Audio pronunciation of "kaw" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (knz, -s) n. pl. Kansa or Kan·sas In both senses also called Kaw. 1. 1. A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern and central Kansas, with a present-day population in eastern Oklahoma. 2. A member of this people. 2. The Siouan language of the Kansa. it's caw
  2. ummm...football coverage? j/k
  3. Ladies and gents of MGN: your poll of the year
  4. omg...i gave that original a second look, and then had to actually laugh out loud when I read your reply, greeneagle.
  5. Williams is a proven 'dual-threat, as I understand he has done well catching the ball. Maybe I'm remembering wrong (and Im sure some here will tell you that happens a lot), but Thomas hasn't been asked to catch much this year. Whatever works for the scheme, right? -gm
  6. Carey would have said something in line with: "But, HEY...if they ball were made of green cheese, would 'ja want to score with it, or eat it? HECK, I know I'd eat it."
  7. Mini....exactly 1/8th the size of full-size Ditkas.
  8. Time for some Ditka cliches: You MIGHT get that score...with 12 Ditkas on the field ..driving buses ...and UNT spotting you 43 before the game kicks off
  9. Carry 6 bottles, at the same time?! BRILLIANT! -gm
  10. College Football College Bball NHL Playoffs NBA Playoffs MLB Playoffs (Although this year was pretty special) Wal-Mart cart racing, the 2 a.m. circuit
  11. This thread represents pretty much every reason I would hate to see UNT and UTEP facing each other. Maybe Bob wants to choose a side. I wouldn't. I think if my situation ever came about, I'd know that no matter who wins, I still win. I could only ask that both teams come out of the game with no injuries whatsoever, and that they both are in the midst of a long line of success. No matter what, I'd still cheer for both teams after the game too. The only thing that kind of irks me about Bob here is that he probably hasn't ever even thought about UNT since he graduated, until this game? I don't know what goes on in HIS mind; I do know that in MY mind I have followed UNT since I moved away last August, and will continue to do so even when there isn't a bowl game to look back on the previous year. -gm
  12. They pronounced as if it has Spanish roots: accent placed on the second-to-last syllable, and no "long" vowels. My best representation?: Deh-GRAHT-eh sounded too weird.
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