I'm not so sold as I used to be on the "unforced turnover" debate. Your offense ran nothing knew to Marks yesterday, as I'm sure every formation and read that he had to perform was rehearsed at some point last season and this past fall/spring. Whether a UNT player is in his face or not, a bad decision was made because he's thinking he has to make a play before too long, or a UNT player is eventually going to be there to kill the play. On top of that, the UNT player has to actually be in his own position to make the interception/play/what-have-you. If the UNT players are not on the field, does he make the same bad decision as if it's simply playing catch with his recievers? That may be a weak argument, but to some extent, that can be argued to be a forced turnover. correct me if I'm wrong. -gm