What info? Dodge2007 proudly stood by his opinion of DM (that he would start) based on nothing the rest of us didn't already know, but then continued to discredit WW on assumptions that were IMO pretty harsh. At one point it got as bad as criticizing him for putting academics above football. D2007 knew he would either look brilliant, or apologize, take his lumps and get the pat on the back from us saying "it's cool we're all UNT fans here." Either way, he got everyone's attention which I think is what he wanted. Kind of like a troll, but on our side so he'll never actually get the boot. The irony of D2007's presumptions were that, while he denied WW could use fall practice to catch up with the team and possibly overtake DM (with a Spring practice/game under his belt), he congratulates GV - a true fresh - for only needing two weeks to grasp everything, challenge DM, and command the team's complete faith and attention. I'd also like to note that Dodge claims to have spoken to players and people who LIVE within the program, yet never once discloses the names of people he talks to. As if the players are going "SHHH you can say something but don't reveal my identity!" I've messaged several players and they've been very welcoming and open, with no reservations about revealing them as a source. I'm sorry to say, however, I don't bug the players about questionable decisions within the program or a certain player's work ethic.