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Everything posted by greenminer

  1. I am not so sure about her having millions to spare.
  2. They need us as an excuse to lose one of their other winnable games?
  3. Don't like to get too off topic, but I just think you're trying to piss on a road some of us have already been seeing the past 3 - 5 years (welcome to the board, btw). Why are we building this thing? To increase academic prestige? To put ourselves in a position to be the state's best academic institution, or to just plain WIN WIN WIN!!! WHOOP BCS BUTT ROFLWWFSMD L33t<<!!!! I digress: A wise man has said... You're absolutely right: we can't prove it. But your point does not disprove of anything, either. The reality we face is that the administration for years used your exact logic/strategy - this "it can't be proven so why?" - to delay our development and thus ENHANCE alumni apathy. This isn't really about academics or even specifically athletics, think on a higher level. The consistency is this: athletics is one of the few windows, bridges rather between being a student and being alumn. No one walks by my Mean Green cubicle crap with their eyes lit up and asks "Say how's the Engineering doing?" or "Didn't their percussion department just win PASIC for the 20 billionth year in a row?"...if they have, I'd like to meet them (because our percussion department rules). Building on our athletics is enhancing the student-campus experience and giving them something to cling to when they are gone. We have hundreds of thousands of alumn within 50 miles of this incredible institution which, like robots, went through our fine academic programs and have forgotten about us. I'm kinda tired of seeing that. And you mean to sit around here and post as if building an athletic program is NOT going to help...at all? We need alumni involvement desperately, and having them sit at a Saturday football game - with other students - to see a product they can be proud of is a heck of a lot more than them sitting at home waiting to catch a glimpse of Simpson/Romo the next day. **another edit/possible hijack Did anyone else catch the end of the Stars game and drop their jaw at the crowd's ovation? This metroplex is desperate for an overachiever. It was hard not to like the Stars in the playoffs and appreciate what they did.
  4. poor catfish. talk about hanging with the wrong crowd at the wrong time.
  5. Good God, man, that's quite a list. Are we going to pretend we can be a private school, or realize that we have a public perception that needs to be rejuvinated? There is quite a difference between riding the curtails of 200 years of Ivy League tradition and a 34.9 billion dollar endowment (Harvard) - not to mention a pretty good lineup of Men's bball teams above - versus decades of alumnus-relation apathy, administrative ineptness, and barely 60 million dollars endowed. **edit don't bother: Even UC-Davis has 10 times our endowment. Yeah.
  6. I can't imagine any kid driving up 35, seeing a sparkling uranium stadium and going "OMG the business school there must be amazing." But seeing that, and a UNT-Army game in Denton on TV in our sparkling new facility just might make a kid go "What is UNT like?". We're not arguing about academic standards. We're arguing for academic windows.
  7. dude
  8. As frustrating as it was, it's hard to be so disappointed. Do people (not necessarily you, filmerj) realize how good this Detroit team is?...dominating? maybe not, but this team might beat Pitt in 5 or less games. They were incredible at cutting off our lanes, eliminating our PP (hell, even getting at least 2 SH goals during the series), and just being better at getting it done. I watched a lot of West games this post season before I saw game 4 of the East Finals. Pitt and Phili looked like they were in slow motion to the puck, weak on the checks, and just plain sloppy. The winner of the West was going to win the whole thing anyways. It was nice for me to see a Dallas team overachieve for once.
  9. Wonder where the Texas to Pac10 rumor mill started. Certainly not in Austin, where Longhorns would clean up 6th Street before they succumb to west coast game times and media cemetery.
  10. Awesome how this old cliche has become a new Leach reference - though vague. It would be absolute hysteria (in a greenminer circle of 10 friends way) if they won tonight. "Look for me on TV. I'll be the one being arrested."
  11. Is this DRC blog dynamically linked to Vito's beloblog? Looks like it, except I can read this one @ work... Never knew about it.
  12. You give him too little credit. He very well could have setup his Outlook with an autoreply rule to emails with "UNT" and "Simon" in the body of the message.
  13. nice. wait, that was intended, write?
  14. That circle is so horrid it makes for a quite nice octagon. well done sir. well done indeed.
  15. So if our football team fails three years in a row, our Golf team can't play in the SBC tourney?
  16. Both posts are today. Maybe he has some kind of weird anniversary posting twitch. I have one every day.
  17. Only the 20-yarders done with a White Russian in hand.
  18. I'm with you on your overall point, but to act surprised by our treatment and assume that there is more info is giving the NCAA more credit than due. All you have to do is look at how they have treated exceptions and waivers with BCS players vs. our recent history. Seems like every year I see something that makes me twitch at the thought of how unfair the decision on Muzzy was.
  19. Good God it's like some of you hit the reset button every week and say the same stadium/conference cliches over and over again, with fresh energy. I have to admire some of that. How can you keep going? A visitor might be inclined to initiate a "stadium" or "CUSA" search in this forum and find an encyclopedic amount of discussion going on, with about as much valid information to fill a paragraph. The rest would either be repetitive assumptions, or Plumm opinion (in bolded green and red, no less) It is going to take some epic post by 1 of maybe 7 posters here - or a JayDub return - for me to be inspired to contribute to this thread again. I have to admit, that last sentence is wishful thinking. *edit And if you think this stops upon entering CUSA, think a little harder. The green (envy) in all of us will only use it as a stepping stone to BCS arguments.
  20. a different perspective, but with a notable quote:
  21. That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously. Stopping the flick isn't gonna stop that.
  22. I was not aware that this is a true rivalry. Wanting one and having one are different circumstances, I think? Years of following this board, and being a student from 99 - '3, I was under the impression that some of you live in the past, fabricating things that hold absolutely no water to this generation and was a pretty weak leg to stand on in the first place. <warning>Kram1 tone approaching.</warning> We have our own problems, so does SMU. Let's settle it on the field!
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