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Everything posted by greenminer

  1. How about the track meet JaMo raced at Colorado? I don't think Buff fans liked those runs very much.
  2. wow. Way to go Detroit. The last 12 hours have been great for you.
  3. Anyone been to Rice stadium? I asked the city of Houston, but they just laugh at me.
  4. Not nearly as bad as you might think and, from what I understand, much better than it used to be.
  5. I would have played the call for "CHARGE" or something like that. Stupid Wings. Finish the damn Cup!
  6. Somewhere in there should be the usual off-season top-10 list.
  7. Slinker gets her next gig and Jalie gets her first return to UNT. closure.
  8. Playmaker, There is an updated DeLoach pic on the mgs.com page for you. I thought this might interest you and your current UCLA-donned DeLoach.
  9. How much are students paying to get to a UT game? Plus what is there athletics service fee?
  10. Okay, I can play along. I see subtle differences in the stadium design. This one still looks eerily like the old video though. And just to play more devil's advocate, how is this any different from where we were the first time around, except with 300,000 down the hole? The video concept provided two years ago gave us the exact same feeling: "OMG WE'RE CLOSER". I would love to not have to put more vodka in the Green Koolaid, except I still do not seen stadium money.
  11. This thread might have finally taken the turn needed for a lockdown.
  12. These are screen shots from the promo video released about 2 years ago. nice try.
  13. Must be another Braskey/Quinn love child.
  14. The Bulls from the U. of Buffalo
  15. Like that 7 year old cousin who comes over to play NCAA Football on the PS2, and keeps trying the same sweep left play on you over and over again, thinking "If I do it over and over again, odds are it eventually works!"
  16. People are having to absorb new information differently. dGCJ46vyR9o
  17. Guess which single LA girl profile they removed from their website?
  18. Why not have the IT department create a NT-themed internet search, sorta like Google, spread the word and make it known that the advertising revenue would be directed towards the stadium costs. Wouldn't cost the surfer a dime; not sure how hard it would be to web design. I never understood why someone wouldn't do something like that. We all Google/Yahoo every day, if there was a site that did the same thing and - free of charge to me - donated money somewhere, I think that'd be popular. Heck, do it and use the revenue to donate to subsidize gas pricing in Denton/Dallas counties... Now I'm just barfing ideas. sorry.
  19. Personally don't care for the idea of playing both SMU AND TCU every year. I'd like to have more room in the schedule for a top program (trying to avoid the "body bag" nomenclature), plus one or 2 of Lonnie's ideas...So, play one of each every other year, taking turns. I'm not arguing what would/wouldn't work...just my own preferences: I love the idea of playing Houston for a "North vs South" Texas title thingamajoo. Has a nice ring to it. Just occurred to me that as much as we go back with Texas State, you have to "go back" a ways to find the good stuff. I don't recall playing them during my UNT fandom (maybe once...memory is foggy). I would like to renew that, not just because of the history, but because they are going to balloon pretty soon and I want to establish something while we can. Arkie State and/or LaMo are teams we love to hate and are potentially great, healthy rivalries. I miss NMSU. There. I said it. Although, if we're going to go that far west for a mid-BCS team, let's do UTEP instead
  20. Maybe someone who has the time can compare a UNT athletics fee increase, or lack of, to the increase other Texas schools are having in athletics fees (if any). Maybe Rick's increments sound bad, but if we don't do something now...are other schools passing us? This may or may not be a case of "Well, everyone else is doing it!"
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