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Everything posted by HMNSHLD

  1. Due to some technical problems, NTTV was not able to get the ASU game out live. We will however re-air the game tomorrow, Sunday February 24th. The coverage will start at 6:30pm with our Pre-game show and the game itself starting around 7:00pm. EDIT: NTTV is on Charter 22 and Verison 46 in the Denton Area. Kinda hard to watch if you don't know what channel. Silly me.
  2. I also have noticed the lackluster Talons in the front row. One way the Pit Crew could get their prime real estate back is show up for the women's games, the Talons were there and set up way before the Pit Crew. It would also be nice if everybody in the Student Section got into what was going on. There are isolated pockets of action that are surrounded by people standing around like zombies.
  3. Yep, this Thursday we will be sending our signal up to WKU.
  4. "Homeless in Denton" was canceled....mainly because it can only be funny when you are drunk or high.
  5. We have had problems with our server. What time do you see this episode of MGI? To the other issues, I can only speak of the Sports department. I think we do some good work in what is, I believe, the hardest medium. I am sorry if you don't approve, but I am trying to improve our sports coverage.
  6. I'll try to post some video I shot of the banquet tomorrow (Sunday). It needs to be captured and edited. I might even have the interviews with Deloach, Dodge and Rick V. ready by then as well.
  7. We (NTTV) were there for both games. I would be happy to help out. Give us a call at our station, 940-565-2041, ask for Jason. Reduno I am also PM'ing you my email address. From a broadcasting point of view, I kinda wish Bo's record breaking score wasn't a free throw. It doesn't make much a of a replay.
  8. KNTU has a page with all of them and they title it "Podcasts" but you can't download only listen in a flash player. There isn't even a feed, which is what makes a podcast a podcast.
  9. No we are not replaying the Indiana St. game. The website hasn't been updated for awhile. We have had to fix many things after the server crash, and we still have much more to do. We are working with the RTVF Department to get a better and updated website. The Matt Simon show played last semester in our "Retro" block of programming.
  10. Charter 22 Verizon 46
  11. Here is another angle from the field. I apologize for the not so great shot quality and the abrupt end. I was going for a cool shot where I pan down to reveal Fouts after the Hornets Flyover. I failed. *hangs head in shame* If only they flew over twice.
  12. Our athletes are pretty badass. After the Cameron game, Ben Bell helped one of my camera operators carry equipment back to our storage room in the Pit.
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