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Hunter Green

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Everything posted by Hunter Green

  2. So many times we see an up and coming team with a young, aggressive head coach, and I believe we have one here in Coach Chico. I have never seen or heard McCarney in person, but I wonder if he has the fire in his belly as Canales appears to have. Sure hope we make the right decision. I believe we have our coach right underneath our nose. Nevertheless, Coach Canales will be a fine HC either here or somewhere else. GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. This would open the door for Cannales to remain as OC. Works for me.
  4. Very good article; well written. If NT decides to go with the experienced coach, ie. Fran, Leavitt, Bower, that's fine. I only hope they still have that fire in their belly as Chico appears to have. IMHO, give me someone who loves this university and WANTS to be here, rather than just looking to get back in the game. I believe Chico has that fire and should strongly be considered as our next HC. The teams' performance the last three weeks is not a coincidence.
  5. That's a pretty classless thing to say. Dodge never boasted or said "it's all about me" like some other coaches do. If you don't know the man personally, your opinion is base-less. And if you don't know what class is, well that's sad indeed. Let the man go out quietly and allow others to admire his qualities. I'm sure the parents know his character better than you. I'm just sayin...
  6. Strongly thinking about it.
  7. And say goodbye to JJ, unless we really anti-up!
  8. Great win. What time do the players arrive back on campus?
  9. Great win for a team that could have mailed it in after all the injuries. Instead, the players and coaching staff stepped up and recorded a great win. Congratulations to the team. They were WAY overdue.
  10. With the Nineas report still fresh in my mind, I'm watching College Football Saturday on ESPN. They are profiling Boise, TCU and to an extent, SMU. We need to blueprint their success. It can be done and there is NO REASON, except for a lack of committment by the school, community and fans/alumni, that it can't be done. This has been the story from the very beginning for as long as I have been following NT football. As far back as 1989, I don't believe the administration at UNT has ever FULLY committed to athletics at this school. Fans and alumni are starving for a winner, but the pinheads calling the shots (specifically, the chanchellor and the BOR) are a bunch of @ussies who won't do what is necessary. I know, the facilities, including the new stadium, are the work of RV and the students who were/are willing to put their money where their mouth is. The past seven years have been a real beating and we are the laughing stock of college football. I call on RV and the BOR to "man-up," fire Todd Dodge, and get a proven HC in here who will teach these kids how to win. I can't watch the ineptitude any longer.
  11. Fire Dodge now, name Deloach the interim, and get a Head Coach and coaching staff in here that knows how to win. Tough break for TD with all the injuries, but if he had not squandered the previous four years, perhaps he could be given some slack. Act now Rick and salvage next years recruiting class. It's a sad day for NT, but it is apparent that this current situation will never get better. Is Mike Leach gettable?
  12. John, you have hit the nail right on the head. Special teams play will be the epitomy of Todd Dodges' career. Well coached teams do make the mistakes our boys do game in and game out. I'm sorry to say, but Dodge will be fired this season and with good reason. A culture of losing has set in and I don't believe the coaches believe they can win either. As much as I like Canales and Deloach, it's time to clean house and bring in a PROVEN head coach with his own staff. The Dodge experiment is and should be over.
  13. This will be the first FB weekend that I won't fly the NT flag. Never forget.
  14. Hey, don't confuse me with facts.
  15. I learned from a third party, and later confirmed by the NT ticket office, that the FM Marcus / Flower Mound game(s) have been moved to (wait for it...) Gerald Ford Stadium on the campus of smu. What gives? RV stated that this game, amd others, would be played at Fouts and then the new stadium. Anyone know if this is a one game deal? Permanent? Hate for those kids to see their stadium up close.
  16. So who would represent NT? Lee frickin Jackson??
  17. Found this while surfing and looking for wooden ice chests. Would make a great Fathers Day gift! http://abarr.net/Collegiate_Coolers.html
  18. Collin, you are a class act and one of the hardest workers I ever saw. Best of luck to you in your law pursuits and don't be a stranger. You'll be missed.
  19. Did I miss something? Are these updates not from 2007?
  20. Let's hope it happens!
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