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Hunter Green

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Hunter Green last won the day on August 8 2024

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About Hunter Green

  • Birthday 11/18/1955

Profile Information

  • Home
    Living in our barndo in Alvord, Texas
  • Interests
    Family, college football, most things UNT

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  1. Welcome to our big, dysfunctional family!
  2. Can you imagine how many fans Oklahoma St. would bring? Imagine all the publicity it would bring to UNT and all the money spent on Denton restaurants? Not to mention a probable win for UNT basketball? Oh, the humanity!
  3. Looks like a good place for a luncheon or a cheerleader's tournament.
  4. I'm sure many of you have shot off an email to Keller and Mosely about this fiasco. Will it help? Probably not, but they need to hear and feel the displeasure of the fans and supporters. They should not get off Scott free on this. President@unt.edu Athletic.director@unt.edu Let em have it!
  5. Looks like we and uab will need to carry the torch. GO MEAN GREEN!
  6. We've coulda been somebody!
  7. In fact, none of us look into this game. Embarrassing.
  8. Grant Newell does not look into this game
  9. We look like we did last night. Hopefully second half will be like last night too.
  10. Lindeberg on the bench is hurt.
  11. We look like we haven't played in a while.
  12. Hopefully the men don't follow suit.
  13. FAU over Tulane? I'll take that bet!
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