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  1. I live in the Tampa area and would like to meet up with fellow Mean Green Fans for the game. Let me know if you are interested.
  2. This is much closer than anticipated. Looks like it is going to be close to the end. GMG!
  3. The defense is looking good. It is just a matter of time before the baskets start falling.
  4. Yes, we beat a very poor Temple team. I have to wonder how much better the record would have been if we had our full stable of running backs. we were ravaged and were in reality playing our numbers 5,6 and 7 backs. On the bright side, we now have deep experience in our stable.
  5. ESPN+ is not working for me
  6. Not seeing it in Florida either
  7. No luck finding the game in Florida. Darn!
  8. We have survived three horrible calls and ar still in a good position to make this a very memorable game. We MUST hold them on the first drive of the second half.
  9. Nice drive but wish we could have finished with a TD
  10. Me too. 😆
  11. This game reminds me of the Oklahoma Nazarene game last year. Our heads are not in the game.
  12. I live in Florida and one of the penalties I pay for that is I have to catch the football broadcast on Varsity network. The past game I was subjected to hearing Wyoming broadcast team and to pit it bluntly, it was painful. We are extremely fortunate to have the UNT broadcasters we have.
  13. Got to get a stop on this drive or it could be a very long day.
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