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untbowler last won the day on November 23 2024

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About untbowler

  • Birthday 10/02/1978

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    Middle of NoWhere on the Tennis Court
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    Tennis, MMA, Politics

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  1. Jared is just a go along to get along, no great vision other than show me the $$$. Sad state of affairs, but that is why it is nicknamed the Retirement Village on Bonnie Brae.
  2. daughter said in her opinion was one of the largest crowds she has seen this season, seems to weird to only have 2100
  3. really great 2nd half by the team and coaching staff. Well earned win over a hot shooting team.
  4. point still stands the ROI for such increases whether in staffing increases or salary increases is not there to justify
  5. Definitely not getting the ROI for those increases in the AD staff.
  6. I forgot about OU, hate the media and selection committee have such hard ons for the SEC. Pathetic.
  7. LMAO!!!! Love the P4 elites eating their own. NCAA created this mess but the P4's are having a civil war. I think they are correct though, UNC and UT have no reason to be in the tournament. Especially UT who only won 1/3 of their conference games.
  8. 7 easy rating, with the schedule, 20+ wins should have been a no brainer and 25+ was easily doable, but losing important Non-Con games against the likes of High Point and McNeese hurts and then the horrible losses to UTSA and Temple, keep this team from being 8 to 9. Expectations are higher as the should be.
  9. piss poor first half put team down 15, great 3rdQ to get to 1pt back and then choke in the 4Q. WBB seems to up and down and a poor start and cold finish took its toll and USF was better team, plus look at their schedule playing some of the big girl teams including a win over #10 Duke. FT shooting is god awful, should be the easiest thing to fix
  10. there were a few games where students had a hard time getting their tickets, kept my daughter in the dorms a few times because the ticket system was not working for the students.
  11. this team could win it all or lose the first game, who knows which team will show up from game to game. If offense gets going it will be good run, offense goes cold, team will be sitting at homes watching the NCAA and NIT
  12. Losing to Temple kills any Cinderella talk
  13. I am confused, did he actually coach at Wake Forest or was he only there for a few weeks before taking this job?
  14. any good pub for Grant at TX Tech actually is good for UNT as well, since we will get some mentions from his stint. Love seeing him doing so well and justifying the hire Tech made, even though it sucked for UNT in the short term
  15. College has much less tolerance than Pros and you see that in all sports. In tennis I take no tolerance from parents and Coaches in Junior Tournaments; College/ITA is more tolerance to a point. Pros get more leeway because of the prize money issue and the ways the Point Penalty System is setup at the ITF/ATP/WTA level.
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