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Everything posted by woody82986

  1. The only thing better than beef and potatoes is beef... and beef!
  2. I haven't called this guy Tom "Douchele" for years for nothing. I've always thought this guy was a bit of an a-hole.
  3. Paul Blake - Arm of the Arma... Mean Green! Doe's anyone else have days where that theme music won't stop running through their heads?
  4. I'm not kidding... That's what the Rangers need to get (won't be able to) for MY, or the trade simply isn't worth it. They backed themselves into a hole on this one. They might as well do their due dilligence on trading him and then go into Spring Training and see what happens.
  5. Personally, I think they jumped the gun here by a year or so. I like what I have seen from Andrus, but the kid has never even swung a bat or fielded a grounder at the AAA level. I like Young. He's by far not a favorite player of mine, but I respect his leadership abilities. There are much better bats and much better gloves on this team than his. I saw this coming around the all star break when someone asked him about eventually moving to 3rd to accomodate a younger guy at SS. His answer was no, absolutely not even a chance anytime soon. I think the move would benefit the ballclub... in 2010. If they do trade him though, they better get at least a .275 hitting 3rd baseman and one hell of a rotation pitcher, because anything less than that would be purely stupid. I'm a die hard Ranger fan, but darn it they really make me scratch my head sometimes.
  6. I singlehandedly brought North Texas a National Championship... on NCAA Football 08 on my PS3... Does that count?
  7. This guy graduated a year before I did in 2001. He was always an a-hole kind of guy. Picking on nerdy kids in the hallways and taking their stuff. This kind of thing wasn't a matter of if... it was when.
  8. I hear Bruce Read nees a job... I don't think he's very good at what he does though.
  9. Maybe they should switch to a flag football game. Everyone takes it easy because they don't want to get hurt, so make them play flag football. Or make the NFL Pro Bowlers play pick up basketball or baseball. ANYTHING other than the sorry excuse for a game they play now. It's truly horrible.
  10. Maybe... Dodge did vote UT #1 with his Coaches Poll vote........
  11. Voted about 10 times. I'll put up some more votes tomorrow when i get bored.
  12. I'd rather personally see them dig themselves out of their own mess, but I think a bailout is going to be necessary to stave off the collapse of a huge sector of our economy. It's not like bankruptcy is gonig to be the end for these companies. They will come out of the other side and be able to produce again. Althought consumer confidence in a company coming through and out of bankruptcy is extremely low. All this being said... I hope they figure it out soon. I want my Ford stock to go back up! haha
  13. Best player to come out of Weatherford High School in a few years.
  14. It seems that this university does things that make my mind hurt more than it does things to put my mind at ease. This kind of stuff shouldn't happen. I'm not saying that UNT is in the begging category... but they should bend over backwards for anyone who walks up wanting season tickets. To be honest though... I can't wait until the day I graduate and therefore get my chance to have a damned hard time trying to buy basketball season tickets!!!
  15. I see you voted for Paul Newman... That would bring new meaning to the term "working stiff", wouldn't it?
  16. I just want us to cover the spread...
  17. Yeah, doesn't A&M have an entire hall dedicated to Corp alums who were military veterans and have either won the medal of honor or who have distinguished themselves in wartime? I think I remember seeing that hallway when i was down visiting a friend last year.
  18. Who would win... the Mean Green or the "By God #1 Texas Colts"?
  19. I'd be okay with Shinerbock Stadium...
  20. Look at it this way... We covered the spread. That's like the intermediate step between losing really bad... and winning by a little.
  21. Correct. There can't be contest to the results as I understand. Both sides had 24 hours to bring a grievance to the election board regarding the election itself.
  22. Haha, should be 5pm today.
  23. I know... I was afraid the guys on here would look at my sense like some alien disease.
  24. Guys... this is vintage Jeff Kline. He has always done stuff like this. Keeping the vote tally secret until it becomes official is totally something he would do just because he can. Anyone else that has had the pleaseure of knowing Jeff would say something along the lines that I have. Don't sweat it guys. Have some beers, watch some football and quit getting negative. You guys can get negative at 5PM if the vote fails. Otherwise, just chill out. If anyone was going to hold the outcome over everyone's head for 24 hours, it would be Jeff Kline.
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