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Everything posted by CMJ

  1. Good one.
  2. I'd also like the Orange to win. Coach Boeheim has been at Syracuse for like 25 years and has never won. Basically I'd be happy with all three of those schools winning. All are great stories. You gotta "Mid Major" and 2 coaches who are long overdue. Then you got Texas.
  3. No doubt on that one. I don't follow the NBA nearly as closely as the college game though. It's kinda interesting, Marquette won C-USA but I saw other schools in the conference on TV way more than the Golden Eagles.
  4. I wouldn't mind Kansas winning because I like Roy Williams. Actually the only school I just DON'T want taking it all is UT. If the Horns win I'm gonna go into a state of depression...for weeks.
  5. If they win the Basketball championship I'm gonna vomit.
  6. Wade is terrific. I wish I'd seen him play more this season.
  7. I thought about seeing it. I'll probably just wait till video seeing as how it's been out in theatres since December here(and thus will be hard to find).
  8. Actually once Marquette beat Pitt I *did* have them over Kentucky. Still awesome to see.
  9. I don't wanna talk about it.
  10. I'm gonna end up at the bottom. My brackets are screwed. Nonetheless a great tourney this year(as usual).
  11. I don't have a good answer for ya.
  12. He's gonna pass me soon enough. It's okay, I've held the #1 poster title since around post #490.
  13. Hey I'm all about donating. I just don't have money right now. Put me down for $5.
  14. He might've tried to enlist after 9/11. It seems reasonable, there were all sorts of similar shows of patriotism then. Alot of folks above the normal age of military recruits tried to enlist. I remember reading a story about it off the AP I think. That would have been more for the Afganistan conflict though.
  15. I'm more concerned with adding a new banner.
  16. They shot the movie awhile back. I really doubt this.
  17. CMJ


    Much agreed.
  18. I'm surprised Hinrich didn't get any votes. He makes the Jayhawks go. To be honest, he's one of my favorite players to watch.
  19. I can see a scenario where they'd care slightly about the Bobcats. They are afterall, so close in proximity. Like I said though, ever since Teaff retired the Bears have gone into the dungeon of college football. No one finds them relevant. Anyways, you're right...UT probably will never care much about either school again. From where I sit though SWTSU has a greater potential to at least annoy the Horns.
  20. It started out as just a guy venting. Then it deteriorated. In other words it doesn't have much of a point.
  21. I don't think the Horns have considered Baylor relevant since Grant Teaff retired.
  22. Nah I can see it reaching the level of the Baylor game.
  23. Impossible to say IMHO. He's still a high schooler, we haven't seen him against college competition.
  24. I think they're relatively smart for making the move, but c'mon TSU/UT would NEVER reach the level of the A&M/UT game. That's ridiculous. As far as USC being the only directional school with national clout....that is true, for now. Let's wait a few years.
  25. One of the funniest posts I've ever read on here!
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