My parents went to NT. Mom wrote for The Daily, Pop was a 4 year letterman in cross country and track. Hell, Mom went into labor with my older brother at a NT basketball game. I grew up in Denton sort of following NT thru the years, though there were other schools I loved more as a kid. Did go to my share of sporting events, mostly basketball games. My last year or so of HS, I applied all over the place, and even got a follow up letter from Florida State(back when I was interested in meteorology and found out they were 1 of the 2 best programs in the nation, the other being Penn State). Also applied to Duke for their writing program - though my SAT's weren't in the 1350+ range where they wanted them. I decided I'd goto to NT for a year or two and see what I really wanted to major in(it was between Film/Meteorology/English) before moving out of state. Film was another love of mine, so soon after starting at NT I realized how great the department was. Seriously, the undergrad program is pretty top notch. Also joined Talons and really, really fell in love with NT, in addition to making incredible friends. And though I moved to LA to pursue the film dream, a part of me will always belong in Denton.