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Everything posted by good_ken

  1. That has nothing to do with the WAC as a football conference. I would think that some of the Florida 'belt schools would make for a pretty good trip.
  2. I asked that question awhile back; and was told TE.
  3. When RV posted on this board, RV said he wasn't interested in it. If Hank was deserving of the spot, why was he passed over twice (or more) in the last few years? I think we are very luck to have RV in that spot.
  4. I heard a super secret rumor that the other 2 will be related to Bobby Ray; and have secret ties to K-state.
  5. Interesting article on CFN.com . The article is on recuiting. Here's a portion I thought was appropriate here:
  6. Personally, Renfro didn't pass my Jonas Test. The test goes like this: If Jonas Buckles tackled player X after making a catch; how many parts of player would there be afterward? If the likelyhood is high that player X will end up in multiple pieces after facing a tackle by Mr Buckles; then he is probably not big enough to play WR. I suspect that Mr Renfro wouldn't pass this test. Note: The Conservation of Matter and the Conservation of Energy both apply to the Buckles Test.
  7. I could have sworn that Denton's most famous outlaw was Craig Helwig. He posed as an athletic director some years ago; stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the university (in the form of salary).
  8. I ain't real smart, but is Clint Renfro a defensive lineman? Is he an offensive lineman? Does he have a lean ahtletic frame that will probably fill out to 290 pounds? I know you always try to recruit the best players avalible; but I suspect that the coaching staff's time was a little more focused on lineman.
  9. So there's a firewall at the fire station?
  10. We have won 3 out of our last 4 years. Before that we couldn't win an inter-squad scrimmage. DD and RV have been turning this thing around. We suffered a setback year, but appear to be recruiting in such a way to correct this problem. If this is such a piss poor program; what was it under the Helwig era? Or has everyone forgetten that black era? Remember, we are not that far removed mirroring "Necessary Roughness."
  11. With the advent of the internet, each of us now possesses as much of a public forum as any UNT administator; you included. It is very each to slough blame to UNT personnel. It is much harder to look introspectivley (which is the question illuvius32 posed).
  12. I heard a rumor that the last couple scholarships have been reserved for Bobby Ray's grandchildren. (this is super-secretive contract language in DD's contract)
  13. Its not just the 10 seniors; the number will be higher when you account for the players lost through attrition. (grades, quitting, etc)
  14. I used to think that, and then I moved to California. The Texas legislature (who still only meets every other year) cannot hold a candle to the California Legislators.
  15. Is that big enough for you?
  16. I see that people are on the board; does anyone have anything to report on the banquet?
  17. Vic Trilli had that kind of attitude, and unfortunately it was not enough. Winning takes more than an attitude.
  18. That would be the "Master Chief."
  19. Lists give Plumm something to quote. It helps boost the length a post. For instance, if I were to quote the first few lines of the emancipation proclamation, it would lenghten the post while adding absolutely nothing. Now I can rest assured that I have added "body" to my one-sentenced opinion; making it look more impressive.
  20. Several reasons: Because the fans/boostes make it an issue. Reading too much into articles, etc. Secondly: because he is a hard worker, and good at his job. Thus lots of athletic departments will want him. Not that he wants to go anywhere, just people want him. And lastly: because many UNT fans/boostes still have a complex that everyone is trying to put UNT down, or steal what it has. That's why everyone freaked out at the ESPN commentator's comment about Jamario (which fans translated into transfer rumors). That's why RV must be considering every open AD job in America.
  21. That was another reason I asked, but my wife says I need to work on my diplomacy skills; so I'd thought I'd be a little more subtle. Welcome aboard.
  22. I ask this question mainly as I question all of Rivals.com's data: does Bryant really have 4.51 speed? At 230 pounds?
  23. Being a dumb country boy, I do not know exactly how interviews work: but the best I can remember it usually begins with the reporter calling the individual he/she wants to interview. The reporter then hopes the interviewee is nice enough to oblige the reporter. Having met RV, I figure that he has a reputatino as beig a nice guy; who will probably answer your quesitons. Which if that's the case, it's not like RV was out pandering for a new job.
  24. Am I the only one who remembers a similar thread this time last year that attempted to speculate on why RV would leave UNT? And then days later he posted on this message board about why he was happy to be here? RV has made no comments except that he is happy to be at UNT; where there is plenty of work to do. I think we should take the man at his word. (I attempted to search GMG for RV's post; but mysteriously it could not be found by the search engine).
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