Excellent product. Yall said you had a laptop and a microphone, but I think yall did pretty well. Here's my ideas, for whatever they are worth for future stuff: Special Teams; whose gonna kick field goals, or do they red-shirt Woodward? I would thik this type of product would be an excellent means for the athletic department to communicate with the fans? DD, RV and even JJ would be exceelent guests. The schedule, OOC and conference play. Maybe analyze the OOC schedule before Sep 2nd; and address the Sunbelt before conference play starts. Intangibles. Please make sure to address the things that you can only get a sense for by being there. By this I mean do you get a sense of urgency, or that something may seem different. The DRC covers the on-field stuff pretty well, but what do yall feel by being at the practice. Again, excellent concept; and keep them coming.