The (not my) problem with the quoted post is that for years DD (more accurately Kenny Evans) would find hidden gems like Cobbs (who didn't have a lot of stars or where on the vaunted DMN top 100 list). Now TD recruits kids off this list, and the crowd rejoices. A rival school recruits someone, and Rivals raises the numbers of stars attributed to that player. The crowd, previously rejoicing, now decides that stars don't matter, and that a true measure is how much a player can be coached? Do I think that this is a talented class: yes. Do I think that some folks are having their cake, and eating it too: yes. [iMHO, the stars only matter when its 3 or more, an indicator that you've got a real player on your hands. All 2-star recruits can only be distinguished by the coach pulling the trigger on the offer). Please bookmark this post, so that when TD finds a 4-star recruit, we can revisit this.