I think that is an often overlooked fact. I believe that is why the endowment of the third largest university in Texas could buy the stadium we all want to see. yup, that's right. RV is trying to raise more money than the entire university's endowment. UNT sports didn't have direction for quite some time. No one thinking big picture. Well, that same lack of direction and big picture was evident in the entire university. And that's a much bigger cultural problem to fix than just the athletics. But; I am optimistic. for the first time in a long time, we have more than one piece of the puzzle in place. We have a great head football coach, a men's b-ball coach that turned around Trilli's mess. And we are turning around the mess that was facilities. I really think that RV and company have the momentum turned in the right direction. And its about to get cool because the next step is when its starts to gain momentum.