Best move by Stern...possibly ever. Granted, I can't stand Ron Artest, so that could have something to do with the way I feel about it. I DO like him for what Coach calls "The Unintentional Comedy Factor", though... I think they should bring all those jackasses up on charges...the players AND the fans. The fans were just as much to blame as the players and should face penalties as well. That said, NBA players should be able to control themselves. Artest (and perhaps Jackson) will be unable to use "self-defense" as a defense in court because video evidence show that thier life and well being weren't in danger when they charged the fans. Anyone else that got into the act AFTER the melee was started... they may be able to use self-defense. Either way...fine, penalize, charge, and sue them and players. Then let's do it again...because this is the most interested I've ever been in the Thug Basketball Association.