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Everything posted by JayDub

  1. Is it too late in the game to say "fire Todd Dodge"?
  2. Army - 42 UNT - 17
  3. I nominate Raptor Jesus. After all, he DID go extinct for our sins. However, if Raptor Jesus is not available as an option, I will opt for Mike Leach, as he is, in comparison, the closest thing we could ever possibly get to Raptor Jesus.
  4. And, considering the fact that most major programs consider Leach as "too toxic to touch" right now, I think that's all the more reason we have a shot at him. North Texas needs something like Leach. Say what you will about that guy, the students LOVED him. I think he's the kind of character that could ignite some serious interest amongst the students...and, in turn, keep them involved after they graduate.
  5. I wish Nathan a solid and lasting recovery...regardless of the time it takes to make that recovery.
  6. Winner, winner chicken dinner. This bunker mentality does nothing but push away the potential fans that get tired of the a**whipping that some of the "with us or against us" diehards tend to put out there (not trying to throw radiogreen under the bus, he's been a defender of mine, just making a general observation). That same bunker mentality also perpetuates the culture of losing that NT is stuck in...and amounts to little more than the repeated acceptance of failure. Rather than expecting and demanding more, the diehards just sit back and accept "moral victories" in the name of "I was here when it was way worse". After a while, it's kinda sickening. All in all, it's safe to call this whole experiment an epic failure. Dodge needs to either submit his resignation or be fired on Monday morning. Chico needs to take the helm in the interim, and NT needs a new coach roaming the sidelines of the new stadium next year. If RV fails to recognize this need, perhaps he should go, too. New stadium, new coach, new staff, new attitude. Call me crazy like some did in the chatroom last night, but I think Mike Leach should be that new coach. He's been shunned (and, therefore, will be less expensive than normal), he has something to prove, and he's batshit crazy enough to take on a flailing program like NT.
  7. I had flied lice for lunch today, so I approve this message.
  8. You owe me a keyboard...and a new pair of underwear, as I may have just pissed myself laughing. I love that damn pic. Glad I could screw with everyone, today. Do not challenge this man when it comes to movies...er, I mean, film.
  9. My efforts of becoming a part-time troll are working!
  10. I know, I know...it's the Bleacher Report...but, I think the author makes some pretty solid observations. A Realignment Nightmare: Will UNT Be Stuck In The Sun Belt Forever?
  11. I, for one, welcome this idea...as I would be the King of this list.
  12. is settling into his new role as GMG.com troll.

    1. THOR


      i enjoy your in this role...you're not bad!

  13. +1 since truth is, once again, downvoted in this forum.
  14. Was at the game...one of the best college football.games I've ever been at. Boise's defense needs to step it up...but they still hung in there when it counted. Gotta hand it to fans of both teams. Classy folks all around...and not one single person was offended by my lack of previous attendance or one-time enrollment at their school. The uniforms are a special Nike thing..."ProCombat". Ten teams got them. http://sports.spreadit.org/nike-pro-combat-uniformsnike-launches-pro-combat-2010-1460/
  15. is reminded why he gives less and less of a damn about most of the morons on this forum.

  16. I say this not as the dirty, commie liberal that I am...but, as the airline employee who has dealt with somewhat similar situations: "Ahhhh, xenophobia at it's finest". I have seen bags belonging to Middle Eastern passengers (always to NY-LaGuardia, for some reason) rip apart on the ramp from overloading...and, you wouldn't believe some of the weird crap that has come falling out. Quite literally, a kitchen sink fell out of one. I can't speak to the reasoning or possible cultural difference, but oddly bound and just plain odd items are in people's baggage all the time. Stupid crap like this, and worse, happens every single day. The stories I could tell of security breaches and diversions due to security issues that never make the news. And, if these were white guys, it would never have made the news. Ask me how many hidden, undeclared guns, ammunition, and knives the TSA confiscated, reported, and turned over to us (almost always belonging to white males). Who knows what these mens' intentions were...that won't stop xenophobic America from speculating. Of course, who knows what the intentions of those middle-aged, white males trying to take their "more traditional" weapons with them could have been...but, we won't bat an eye because they're "one of us".
  17. Yeah, screw those guys for aspiring for something better than the type of defeatist attitude that insists on just "doing it the way we always have"! I mean, that's OBVIOUSLY working...
  18. These guys sound about as deusional as, well, most of the people who post on this message board.
  19. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I downvoted everyone (edit: including myself) in this thread just because I think it is in the spirit of the day. Still in Utah, now married, and trying to keep the aeroplanes a-flyin'...mostly in the form of creative routings around the ridiculous storm systems we're dealing with this summer. Maybe I'll make it home to have some Cuervo with you this season. We'll see...
  20. Whatever you do, don't speak the truth on this forum. You'll be downvoted into oblivion.
  21. Newsflash: The only way to gain recognition is to win...or to keep losing. We've already gained a bit of recognition for that. For those of you outside of the North Texas bubble: we're a laughing stock throughout the nation. When someone out here ask who my team is, their response to my reply of "North Texas" is usually a sympathy that is typically reserved for the loss of family members...or a solid belly laugh.
  22. Upon reading and re-reading this thread I've come up with the following conclusions: 1.) You people are delusional. 2.) You guys really need to get out more. The Sun Belt is a joke. The faster people running the show (and the fans) at NT realize that, the better off they'll be. North Texas fans have bitched and moaned for years about the lack of respect North Texas gets on the national scene. Most respect is earned, some is perceived. Athletically, we've done little to earn respect...and, as long as North Texas is a member of the Sun Belt conference, their perceived respect level will continue to hover just above the number zero.
  23. Boise's magical ride likely to roll on in Mountain West
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  24. I never, ever, ever agree with EE, but I will this one time. From what I've read, it sounds like an overconfident pilot attempting to land in near-zero visibility in an aging (and likely under-maintained) aircraft.
  25. I love it when people fight over which imaginary friend is better. It's like elementary school, but with less logic involved.
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