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Everything posted by JayDub

  1. Feed blocked at work. Anyone wanna give a rundown when it's over?
  2. When did we (my generation) become so emotionally fragile? I truly believe it has something to do with kids getting everything they want and more from their parents with little to no discipline. That, and the overexpectation this world puts on success on all fronts. I used to think I was a failure because I never finished college. Only recently did I come to terms with that. I mean, really...if I went and shot up my school everytime I had my heart broken by some girl, I would have been dead or in prison by the time I was in 9th grade.
  3. What in the hell is going on at VaTech?
  4. I agree...it is an easy destination when you consider our location and the such. However, I think there is a certain stigma that comes with playing in the same bowl game over and over and over and over and over and over. I just don't think it is good for the program. After a while it starts to feel like that bowl exists strictly for the purpose of letting North Texas play in a bowl game every year and the naysayers begin to say things like: "Little North Texas State is in the New Orleans Bowl again."..."You mean the Sugar Bowl?"..."No, no, no. The New Orleans Bowl. You know, that bowl game that is the lowest on the bowl game totem pole?" New Orleans is a great destination...but given the choice of the NOLA Bowl or another (even Boise), I wouldn't want to go there again. We've been there, we've done that. And besides...NOLA and I don't mix well.
  5. Here's to hoping we're somewhere better than the New Orleans Bowl this year, if we make a bowl at all. News Flash...the NO Bowl sucks. It's better than no bowl at all...but I wouldn't call it a goal.
  6. I once kinda sorta dated a girl at NT named Jordan Smith.
  7. Such hits like "(This is) The Song We Won't Remember Tomorrow", "Girls JB Has Hooked Up With", "A Choking/Exploding Noise", and "I Don't Wanna Be The Creepy Guy, But You And Your Friend Are Hot!".
  8. "Why don't you just call him 'blackie' ?" Me, Phil, an acoustic guitar, some booze...we've made many many hits.
  9. Still waiting for the "3pt. halftime beerchug" rule.
  10. Wow...that was...musically enlightening.
  11. I guess I should say that I don't think that FFR belongs there...I'm very happy Rick was there to speak. I was just pointing out the others were University employees and then there was one guy who is one of the best fans in NT history. Rick, if the helmets go white...will you retire and keep the green helmet...and get a new white helmet?
  12. Bernie, are you still living in Hawai'i?
  13. If you gave shirts like these away to students (with ID) as they walk through the gates...you might see a boost in attendance.
  14. To quote Sesame Street "One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong. Can you tell which thing is not like the others, By the time I finish my song"
  15. Much better. Gets the same point across...
  16. Smitty is my new leader.
  17. I'm a Gainesville High grad as well. Class of 2000 with GNVet.
  18. Maybe if enough people started calling for it?
  19. You guys know me...I'm about as far from PC as just about anyone. However, even I am uncomfortable with this one. While I appreciate the idea and the fact that the Exes got off their butts to make a shirt...it just doesn't feel right. Not because it is a "time of war" or anything like that...it just doesn't feel respectful towards those who have served. If it was anyone but a service academy, I'd be all about this one. But it IS a service academy...let's show a little respect and try another graphic. Maybe we recycle the graphic for the SMUt game and have a sinking Mustang? :-D
  20. DART needs to work on getting some legit rail service between downtown and DFW and Love airports. The shuttle buses to/from the TRE station takes forever. I once timed it as 2+ hours from gate to downtown. This is what holds Dallas back in comparison to other major cities.
  21. Alright...I'm tired of the pissing contest...so, as so many of you expect from me, I'll get this one shut down once and for all... My Dad's penis is bigger than your Dad's penis!
  22. I was going to say that the F-18's of the Navy's Fighter Attack Squadron 201 down at the Ft. Worth NAS JRB could do it...but a little research shows they are being disbanded in June. The Air Force's 301st Fighter Wing has F-16's at the JRB...but it would be nice to have some Navy birds.
  23. I've posted the extent of the funny stuff. The rest was just Emmitt whining about this and that because he knows he's gonna lose...again.
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