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JayDub last won the day on February 12 2011

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About JayDub

  • Birthday 07/14/1982

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  1. Saw this article and logged in to GMG.com for the first time in years to see if there was any discussion on it. Frankly, the (as of this posting) lone comment on that linked story is sizable part of the problem. Blowhard clowns like that guy make attending UNT Football games a less than inviting experience. It's part of the reason why I haven't been back in 10-plus years, despite living closer than ever. And, just like Occult Nostradamus...I'm in the wind again.
  2. Who wants to fight?
  3. Adios, mofo. ...annnnnd, back into hiding I go. (P.S. - Never you fret, FFR...I'm not posting this from work. No need to alert my employer.)
  4. I see the social media truthers are out in full-force. Jesus, you people are some insufferable runts. (And, no, FFRick, I'm not at work right now.) And, now, I return to exile.
  5. Just thought I would check in to see the dumpster fire of anger. It's everything I hoped it would be. Welp, see ya later. Gotta get outta here before a particular someone gets any ideas.
  6. I'll stop in for a moment to say, "well done, you magnificent bastard". Now, back to my self-imposed exile.
  7. Truly, the worst part of my GoMeanGreen.com day...
  8. 22,259
  9. When I heard the Barnett audio...all I could think was "wow, this is not good". To me, the similarities between his rambling & the JetBlue pilot that lost it are chilling. A similar "Good vs. Evil" storyline floating around unchecked in his head. I'm a Dave Barnett apologist. I think he's good at what he does and is held back by lack of chemistry with Tom. TAG flat layed out on Dave when things when things were obviously not right with him and amplified this whole thing that much more. Of course, that's nothing new...TAG lays out on Dave all the time. That said, I think this could present an opportunity to the Rangers to overhaul the TV booth and fix the mistakes they've made in that regard. I just wish that someone in the Front Office would concede the fact that Josh Lewin was not the weak link in that pairing, nor is Dave Barnett the weak link in the current pairing. It's Tom Grieve that makes this broadcast booth feel like a minor league broadcast...and the "cookie talk" and obvious contempt for fellow broadcasters & fans alike that needs to end sooner than later.
  10. You shut your whore mouth. How dare you speak ill of the Sack and Save?!
  11. The Alumni logo. Hands down.
  12. Quoner has posted. Lock down the thread.
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