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Everything posted by medpilot21

  1. Lots of voices on the board saying how riduclous it was for Riley to be playing WR when we had so many WR's sitting on the bench? Well here ya go. Now we get the FULL Southlake scene for a year. We already have the uni's... now we get Riley at QB, (and for the record, he should play well in this offense), and the TE goes away again. "Back to the spread Doctor Stone... back to the Spread". I wish Riley well, and hope TD can turn this thing around, but Vizza bailing just shows how far we have fallen. I talked to his Dad several times before home games this year, and Gio wanted to play here. Too much adversity in the locker room now, and no signs of improvement. I wish Giovanni and his family the best, and I believe this was the right move for him. GMG!!!
  2. Florida - 41 (Touchdown in overtime to win) OUsed - 35 Donavan McNabb in the stands saying "I didnt know overtime worked like this in College? GMG!!!
  3. I know how he feels, I'm fed up too... but TCU? Why not back UT, Missouri or OU like all of the other band-waggoner's? At least they compete for a National Championship each year. I wouldnt do it, but if your going to be a "Wagon-jumper"... at least pick a wagon that travels to bowl games in January? Well, Go FROGS.... I guess??? GMG!!!
  4. Kinda reminds me of Issac Thomas in the Oil Bowl a few years ago. The kid was un-blockable in that game. If Sean Warren comes to NT, I will adopt him and banner his greatness for four years as I did Issac. (just please get a sack Sean... in four years, just one sack please?) GMG!!!
  5. Great, almost last again. I bet Texas State has more vulgarities than we do, and THEY are a AA school!!! GMG!!!
  6. I appreciate Vito letting us in on what the recruits are saying, but some recruit comments are a little hard to read. "North Texas called me today," Martin told Rivals.com. "They look like a nice school. They just don't win a lot there, though." "Nice... now maybe you'd like to give ma a paper-cut and pour some lemmon juice on it?"........ Billy Crystal GMG!!!
  7. Tim Tebow this year... Colt McCoy will win next year after his Senior Season, and his final game at the Cotton Bowl. GMG!!!
  8. The "Bend..dont break" Defense. DB's playing TEN YARDS off their rececivers. NT Football practices I CANNOT attend, which makes me sick!.....but SMU football practices I CAN attend, which makes me sick! Knowing Darrell Dickey is sitting somewhere right now laughing his ass off at Rick Villareal. (yes, I was a DD guy, but crow tastes bad no matter who serves it) Not knowing who this "Nautique" guy is??? (Anyone willing to step on that many toes should be willing to take the heat for it) Going to Hooters in Irving and not ONE waitress there fitting the streotype? I'm out... the pole is yours.
  9. Those lists looked about right... but I'm a little confused about the Isaac Thomas pick for 2nd team defense? I am a HUGE Ike Thomas supporter, as most know... but did he really have an all-conference type season? I'm slap-happy when any NT players get recognized in the media, but I'm not sure how these selctions were made? I'm guessing there has to be more to it than stats? Anyone...Anyone.....Bueller????? GMG!!!
  10. Comedy Greatness!!! Of course the whiney-orange wont want to be outdone, so what does a Longhorn Alum do to top that? This could get interesting... GMG!!!
  11. I will give Coach DeLoach a pass this year because of what we know. We KNOW he has taken a squad of defensive players who most considerred "marginaly talented" and made a top-20 defense out of them. We KNOW Gary DeLoach taught the UCLA secondary the meaning of the words "aggressive" and "relentless". We KNOW he takes the first two years of building a defense to recruits players to fill NEEDS...(IE, if he coached the offense this year... probably doesnt sign more JUCO WR's?) I'm not saying DeLoach gets a pass and Todd Dodge doesnt? I think year three is when we find out if the TD experiment works on the field. We know it worked off the field, getting people interested in the program. Year three has to start to put something in the win colunm. I truly hope we will see that. There are of course things I'm not fond of regarding TD decisions...(Tune getting playing time instead of Meager, Burning Riley's red shirt at WR while scholarship WR's sit on the bench, Dickey players shelved, practices off-limits, etc...) but we have to have faith as Fans and Alums that TD knows what he is doing? We really have no choice. So I say let year three tell the story for both TD and Coach DeLoach. I'm not asking for a national championship, just a noticeable improvement. Coach DeLoach has already proven he can do that, so yes... he gets a pass. The real question is..... No need to say it.. you all know what was coming. GMG!!!
  12. Voted twice for Waters and Cobbs. I also noticed Pat Watkins on the ballot for the Cowboys at safety? Has he played this year at all at safety? Kinda reminds me of those years when FB/TE/LB/DE - Grady Davis played at NT. He really was a nice guy to talk to on the field, but after four years on the roster we never actually saw him play anywhere? DD changed his position just about every spring? Poor guy didnt know if he was offense or defense when the fall practices came? If I was Grady as a senior player, I would have grabbed someone's face-mask just once. At least get a penalty so the people in the stands could hear his name on the P.A., then scream...."OHHHHHH what a Bull-#%* call!... we dont even have a #47 on our roster!..., look at this....we ...uh?.... do have a #47?. Who the hell is Grady Davis????? " Hehe... GMG!!!
  13. "Tune in tomorrow and see!... same BAT TIME....same BAT CHANNEL!!!" I may be showing my age a bit on that one, but some of you will get it. GMG!!!
  14. I'm not sure about the "score a lot of points" thing, but you should beat us by two TD's or more. Although, I do remember a time when you guys were heavy favorites AND undefeated??? Well, that was then.... this is now. NT-24 - MTSU - 45 GMG!!!
  15. I'm not sure if I got all of the intended humor in that, but great rant and imagination. Then again, if that really happened... you are A FREAKIN ANIMAL!!! GMG!!!
  16. This one is a tough call? We dont know enough about what goes on behind those locker-room doors to know where and why we are failing? TD is here as we all wanted... and we trust him to adjust our play calling to become competitive? Let's ride that one out for year three and see how much improvement we get. No noose yet from me fella's... 1. Assistant coaches: I would add Former NT Asst. Coach Chris Hurd to this defensive coaching staff. I think two brimstone and fire guys (DeLoach and Hurd) could turn this defense around relatively quickly. There would be a "responsibility and accountability" theme with this defense that they havent had in the last few years. I dont know how that would affect recruiting, but the players we have would show immediate improvement. Many of us remember what Chris Hurd was like as an assistant when DD was here. I hve never seen one guy so fired up in practices... and that does translate to the players. They respect it and respond to it. Let a proven winner get out there and make winners out of his players. 2. Defensive schemes: The "Bend - dont BREAK" defense is broke! Coach DeLoach needs more time to get his guys in, but we really need to adjust some things now. NO MORE ten yard cushions and back-peddle away from the WR's.... Corners play up on your man and make him beat you. Sure, you give up a big play from time to time, but we are getting beat badly now. I realize part of that equation is pass rush. Give DeLoach another year to find our next Adrian Awasome or Darrell Daniels. No, those guys dont grow on trees but we have done it before with a far less known head coach than Todd Dodge? 3. Take your shots!!!: I know this is easy for a fan or Alum to say. WE are not coaches, but whether you are leading by ten or trailing by ten at one minute before halftime....TAKE YOUR SHOT. dont give these kids the idea that your comfortable enough with the way things are to not try for more? Good or bad, be aggressive and send our guys into the locker room with a "fight until the last second" mentality. If we are behind (as we have been in just about every game this year) we have nothing to lose?...TAKE YOUR SHOT! Again, I realize hind-sight is 20-20. I am as frustrated by this year as the rest of you, and we will all have suggestions on how to fix this mess. Chances are that none of us will be right, and Coach Dodge will eventually try to get the ship righted by doing what he has always done. I truly hope he can make some progress next season. I have a sick feeling in my gut from rememberring Coach Dickey pointing to our score-board (where we ran the points up on an opponent) and knowing our opponents are now pointing their fingers at our scoreboard? Guess we all take our medicine when our time comes... and it tastes terrible! GMG!!!
  17. No kidding...lots of interesting memories? (also brings one coach to mind...what could have been?) I think we have a big road ahead of us, but it is going to be worth traveling. The guys that have always been here will still be here. The students showed they care as much as we do. there is still life after dissapointment, and they are actually proving Darrell Dickey right... "This is the strangest place I've ever been? When I was playing at Kansas State, the fans were there whether we won ten games or lost ten games? We always knew they were with us. Sure they complained when I screwed up, but they were always there. North Texas could be a place like that but some things would have to change, and the fans would have to be here when things get bad. We need the fans to be like Rick Herold and that Fire Fighter guy...everytime I looked up those guys were right there, even on the road. North Texas can be like that."......Darrell Dickey It's happening coach.... it's happening. GMG!!!
  18. Not so true, brotha... I am hearing the same thing three weeks running from other player's parents also. No one is saying Meager should replace the Godfather at QB in a winnable game, but we havent had many of those this year have we? Danny is a senior on a winless team? What possible harm could befall this program if Meager gets out there at WR, or plays QB in a 45-17 blowout? Yes, we still back Giovanni Vizza as the starter, and he has our loyalty. I just dont see the need to leave him out there and risk a concussion or blown ACL in a blow-out game? If we are going to replace him, why not let a senior get out there and play his last few games in a Mean Green Uni??? Meager may not be the Joe Montanna we all wanted, but he has paid his dues enough to play as a backup? I think you look too much for the negative, brotha... and we have had enough of that now to last several years... Let the seniors play... and yes, Please Coach Dodge play CHAD ROSE on the OL somewhere??? GMG!!!
  19. Have to agree with you there, pardna. I was talking to Emmitt and some of the guys Saturday about this. I can take my son to a SMU practice, run by June Jones, with a new offense, and it's 15 minutes from my house. But, I CANNOT take my son to watch a team practice that he grew up watching? I know this is no longer a Darrell Dickey-run program, but let's be honest... this team needs all the fan support it can get? There are no more trade secrets to hide with this offense. The "spread" is no longer a novelty? Other teams surely dont need a spy at NT practices to handle what we are putting on the field right now. Let your fans and Alums be a part of this thing somewhere? Allow us access to what few practices we have left this season, and show us there is more to this football team than the beatings we take every freakin saturday. As most can tell from game-day attendance, the majority of the faithful have not given up on these guys. Let us be there when the good things happen in practice. The players feed off of crowd noise and enthusiasm, so let us give them some. Who knows, sometimes a little good karma can go a long way. I realize TD wont budge on this... but with a new stadium is on the way?, might be time for a few "realistic" changes in policy. GMG!!!
  20. "Sarcasm versus honesty.... the difference between saying what you were thinking, and saying what you were thinking after drinking....." GMG!!!
  21. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!....now THAT's funny! He may be martian, but he's our martian. GMG!!!
  22. This seems a little early in the week, but I think we all know what is about to happen... so why not? The blow-outs continue... ULL - 45 NT - 14 First half attendance - 10K Second half attendance - 4K Section E attendance - 800 pissed off "M-Fer's". (sorry Coach Dickey... Once you stopped laughing, didnt think you would mind if I used it.) GMG!!!
  23. We are not yet half-way through this season?, so it's a little tough looking ahead two years. It will be at least that before Coach Deloach can fix this mess. Yes, he is a dfensive genius and will eventually get the guys he needs. Until that time we get more games like the first five of this season. I (like Emmitt) left that game at halftime... which is an Alumni sin. As NT Alums, we should stay for the entire beating, watch our post-game fireworks, and just drink the pain away. However, as fans arent we allowed to decide just how much tortue to endure? I admit it... I became a fan after the first half of that game. I dont think I have the positiveness right now to look ahead as some are already doing. I would like to think we have some players who will help us next year, and I do have faith in Gary DeLoach. But, to paraphrase the great Winston Churchill.... "Never have so few, been beat so badly, by so many??? " GMG!!!
  24. Johnny was there with Blake Burruss, who also holds a special place in our Mean Green hearts. It was good to see them both out there. I talked to Blake briefley at half-time, and he was not happy at all about the way the team was playing, and seemed very upset about it. I sure miss that fire in our players. I think we are in need of some direction with this team right now. Can you imagine how great an impact JQ and Blake woud have on these players???? We are getting blown-out every game now! It's ridiculous. Forget the stadium, I think if I win the lottery I will fund two new Assistant Coaches salaries... and they would be Coach Quinn and Coach Burruss. GMG!!!
  25. Come on, man? That's not fair. Sam is still a young man finding himself, and he was honest enough to go to the head coach and tell him his heart was no longer in it. He ws contributing and doing well, just didnt want to hurt the team by going through the motions. We all know what happens when you have a player who's not into the game or the team? (I'm speaking of a Woodward...a badly needed kicker who walked out on our program last year with no reason and left us with two walk-on kickers) He just quit... no desire? Give Sam some credit here for giving as much as he has before walking away. Yes, the loss of a receiver like that hurts your team... but better to put the guys out there who's hearts are still in it. I hope things go well for Sam. GMG!!!
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