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Everything posted by medpilot21

  1. We're 1-3 if K-State opts out and we get a game with Samford or Nicholls State. (TSU beats us, so would Stephen F Austin) We go 0-4 if K-State stays with us. 9-18 @ Army (L) - Army beat us this year with less than they will have next year. 9-25 Kansas State (L) - No argument here. There is no Big XII team we could compete with now. TBA @ Clemson (L) - They had an 8-4 record in the ACC. (Beat Boston College, Virginia, and Miami) Enough said... TBA Rice (L) - A lot like UNT. Not a great year, but they beat Tulane, UTEP, and lost to SMU by 3 towards the end of the season. Their young team improved as the year went on. I'm not trying to be a nay-sayer... I think Emmitt is just making a good point. Simply put, we are all trying to find a way to justify supporting a coach who hasnt been able to lift us out of the hole we are in, as he promised. Todd Dodge said from day one he intended for this team to contend for a conference title immediately. Okay, not very realistic for a first-year head coach. Still, after three years we are still getting beat almost every game, especially at home? Is there anywhere else in the country a Division-I college coach can go 5-31 and not be under fire? If the board is a good cross section of fans and Alums, then we all agree on that. If TD is here next season, then we will of course back him. That's what we do. But this thread is just one of the many that voice our frustrations. I am as tired of this non-sense as anyone, but we have no control. So this is where we say what we feel. Lame or not, we say it here... Thanks Harry. GMG!!! Disclaimer - This short rant is not intended to make the Monday Morning Recap. So Quoner, please file this one under "No need to re-publish"
  2. The real question lies with the players. Several players opted out of this program because of the leadership and direction. As it turns out, the guys who left were right about what was going to happen this year. Now there are rumors that TD has lost the confidence of many of the players who stayed this season. Which players will leave the program this off-season, and how does that affect the outcome of this coming season? Seems like we are in an endless downward spiral. How does a head coach on "paper-thin" ice get the confidence up in the players who have already lived this nightmare for two years, or three years? I'm going on record right now... If Lance Dunbar leaves, I'm a Texas State Fan next season. At least we had one of our own wear the Armadillo Suit! GMG!!!
  3. I cant safely go to Mongolia? That's just great... another hour of wasted time planning, like the guys who wrote for the Magic Johnson talk show. Next we'll have Million-Dollar athletes driving their cars into trees... MASS HYSTERIA! GMG!!!
  4. Didnt seem so simple in the other ten threads about this? What are you suggesting the reason is for "certainly questionable"? Giovanni left because he didnt feel this team could progress under the current coaching direction. (according to his dad, who I think very highly of) As to blowing his chance, TD was going to start Riley when he was able.. we all knew that. Riley is no slouch? He was a stud QB in high school, won a state title in this system, and knew this offense very well. That's a worth-while gamble in my book. Lots of other things had to go wrong and did. RV took a shot on a high school coach, it didnt pay off, some changes need to be made. The only "questionable" thing left to discuss is what direction we go now... and that's not up to any of us. So we wait. GMG!!!
  5. I dont think we beat Allen either? With a schedule like that, we go 9-3 at best. I see losses to Colleyville Heritage, Allen, and Trinity (Unless Tevin Williams graudates this year. That RB is a BEAST!). I do think 9-3 would be enough to get us to New Orleans. Can we get our old green jerseys back for the bowl game? Just saying... GMG!!!
  6. Halftime: ASU - 21 NT - 7 Second half: XBOX College football 2010. NT - 60 ASU - 14 (Sellout crowd at Fouts Field) GMG!!!
  7. Well done Q.!!!!!!!! And now, for something completely different.... GMG!!!
  8. We're getting better at beating a dead horse... Okay, for the fun of it... I'm in . "We played a good game and finished another great season. These guys are champions! The score might have been bigger if we hadnt missed a few opportunities."....Darrell Dickey after the 2002 New Orleans Bowl. I cant believe Geroge Marshall was that wide open and dropped the freakin ball? It could have cost us the game! I think Geroge Marshall should have been benched right then. Thank God we had Kevin Howard! Dead horse beating complete... I'm out. GMG!!!
  9. Go - even if we could forget the bad play calling, and the on-the-field screw ups (turnovers, bad time outs, etc.), and the 5-30 record... we still have two realitys that we CANNOT forget. First - This team is NOT getting any better and talented players are leaving. (Justin Padron, Givanni Vizza, etc..) and they ALL wanted out for the reasons we are seeing every Saturday? Second - We have 35K students attending UNT right now. They are about to start paying additional fees for a new stadium, and many of them now think passing that vote may have been a mistake? No one wants to continually watch a team lose at home. It's bad for morale and kills any growth momentum the program could have. People are actually leaving at halftime now... I never saw that even when DD was coaching here? The TD experiment was a great risk, and one that needed to be tried. Okay, we tried. Now we need to right the ship. Fix this thing before it sinks completely. Just my two cents... GMG!!!
  10. Seeing our record under Dodge (5-30) makes me ill. Most here say we cannot afford to let TD go, so here he stays. I remember the look on RV's face when Dickey marched the team out with those black jerseys on. I could be wrong, but I think I saw the same look on his face today. I know everyone is on a high after the stadium ground breaking, but I get the feeling we are so used to losing that we just accept it? I truly hope that is not the case. So, one more beating to go... bring on Ark. State. GMG!!!
  11. Who cares????? Help us Johnny Jones... we need to win at something?
  12. Haha... and most of our 2007 coaches!!! GMG!!!
  13. The same here??? I thought I just had a really lazy mail carrier. "Hello Newman..." GMG!!!
  14. Thanks guys... and Happy Veteran's Day to all my Army Brothers! DUSTOFF!!! (Dedicated Unhesitated Service To Our Fighting Forces) GMG!!!
  15. What the deuce???? No recap? I dont believe it?, you've mailed it in? You've become the monster you once fought so bravely. Taking the easy way out. It's a sad day indeed... So I guess we'll see you at the Army game, telling stories about the day you ALMOST got a date with Tina Yothers, and your Lobster-Tail is terribly grilled and needs more butter? I'll bring you chocolate for dessert... not that French-Swiss wussy imported stuff you must be used to, but the kind of chocolate eaten by men. Bitter-sweet with a touch of reality! I guess the saying is true. The pressure gets to some, while others rise to the challenge. Can you hear it?... TAPS being played somewhere in Denton. The mighty Q has left the building... GMG!!!
  16. I think the article is on the money with exception to McMakin at Hawaii. Tough to follow a coaching legend and former NFL coach in Jones. Hawaii will make it back up the charts. As for North Texas.. yes, it's time for a coaching change. I mentioned this to another alum at the game, but the team came out for the second half with their heads down and looked whipped. We werent playing Alabama or LSU? That was Monroe... I honestly feel the message has been lost. The "Family" thing is a great mindset, but the players have to buy into it. I know Rick V. is feeling our pain. He is a class act, and this wont be an easy decision for him. I do now, and will always believe in RV... an ounce of "good intention" overcomes a pound of "bad decision" in my book. I just hope common-sense prevails. GMG!!!
  17. I think he knows what he has to do, but he doesnt think he can? We can all say what we think, but do we really have the money to start over again? Dodge is a realist, he has to be. I dont think his release would be a total shock to him. Yes we would probably lose Riley in the deal, but the time for that may be no better than now? You have two young QB's to build the system around, who havent been in the SLC "spread" for five years. I know RV is as frustrated as we are. He's a winner, and wants us to move up. In my opinion the TD experiment did accomplish some good things. Donations are up, interst in the program was sky-rocketting, and attendance is steady. We simply arent getting any better at the one thing TD isnt good at... adjusting to Divison-I college football. My nephew is a senior OL at SLC, and loved TD. I think that is the Dodge lagacy we are stuck with in Denton. We got the uniforms, the colors, the coaches, and some of the greatest SLC fans... but missed out on the success? We took a chance on a high school coach and rolled the dice. Others have also tried it.. so we arent alone. You have to admire RV for the gutsy call. So, three years later are still right where we were. Bad football is bad football. RV fired Darrell Dickey for two bad years after four straight conference titles and four straight bowl appearances. No argument there... it was a gutsy call that needed to be made. I think the time has come for RV to make another gutsy call. No knee-jerk intended, it's just time. Just my two cents... GMG!!!
  18. I also read that Gilmore got his FIRST start at DE. What a risk... no one has considerred that until now? I dont get it.. this cant be that tough to figure out? Also as a side note, the article mentioned we havent won two consecutive games since 2004. Really.... since 2004??? Thank you sir, may I have another... GMG!!!
  19. Sorry... Nwigwe is the reason we one the one game last year, and he's out. WKU - 38 NT - 28 GMG!!!
  20. Haha... I have no idea who you are, but that was freakin hillraious. To quote the great General George S. Patton... "If everybody is thinking alike, then someone isnt thinking..." Keep the free thoughts flowing Q.... that's what you're good at. GMG!!!
  21. His Bio shows Hula Bowl-2009? They also list him as a superbowl champion, but he wasnt there for that game? I do hope he got a ring for his play all year. I think the world of AA... he was always a class act here, and gave all he had on the field for the D. I'm just not sure about the accuracy of the bio? I had hoped he would get a shot as a Dallas Despardo like Evan Cardwell did. I guess not so much now... Adios Arena League, and we thank you. GMG!!!
  22. Not sure about Troy, but I think we all know what SMU sent... Not sayin, just sayin. GMG!!!
  23. Pretty funny stuff. I like the Blue Raider fans I've met, and most seem realistic about their team. I dont know about a trap game but this one should be good. I think Riley makes the difference in this one. If he's healthy we stand a good chance. NT - 31 MTSU - 28 Game MVP - Tobe Nwigwe. GMG!!!
  24. Exactly right. No injuries in AL., now on to the real season. GMG!!!
  25. I didnt see anything in the Alabama game that concerned me? We went in, the guys played hard, we left with the money. The real test comes this Saturday against the Muts. Riley will be back, hopefully Gill will be back, and the playing field will be a bit more level. Positives from the Alabama game - simple... We have a great punter and the running game is good. Cam did have a few good carries against what some consider the best offensive front four in college football. (Especially with Cody up front... that guy was a freakin hoss). Let's play the Muts and see where we really stand. I'm still very confident in this team. Oh, and thanks to Waco at the PourHouse... Great ribs while watching our boys get mauled. GMG!!!
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