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Everything posted by Eagle91Gator95

  1. Is it just me, or is the kelly green on that new hat even a shade or two lighter than the kelly green we had back in the late '80's? That particular shade is a bit "too throwback" for my tastes, and I wore the stuff every day for four years back then without complaint!!
  2. Wow FFR & pollock, very impressive!! Me likee, and me jealous!!!
  3. Here's my problem: (and I know it might seem low priority to you, but I have a cowbell reputation to uphold here!! ) My cowbell .gif avatar doesn't cowbell! I double-checked to make sure I had the right file entered for my avatar, but he's stuck on eternal pause. I have seen other people's .gif avatars playing (I am assuming the monster hit above is a .gif file), but no cowbell! What gives?!?
  4. Gee pollock, I didn't know you cared! *getsmisty* The Mrs. (I started to call her Mrs. Cowbell, but that just didn't come out right) had our first child a little over four months ago, so spare time for off-season FB chat has been scarce!!
  5. They may be able to sell 3K seats in Tuscaloosa (WOO HOO!!!), but trust me, there will be plenty of seats available in the 'boro the following Saturday!! If that stadium is half full for our game, I will be surprised!!
  6. If Harmon is willing to give me LSU minus 9, Kansas minus 3, K State minus 30, Bama minus 13 or Texas minus 26, methinks I would bet the farm on ANY of those!! I would be shocked if the actual lines on these games aren't significantly bigger once Vegas comes out with them. I would think that ASU can stay within 22 of Mizzou, and I wouldn't dare put cash on a I-AA game, so ULM is out. Anyone think I'm smokin' something?
  7. Here's my thoughts on the new rug: Color - NICE!! I hope that dark green holds up under the Texas sun for several years until this rug becomes the carpet for an indoor practice facility! Lines - Someone who has been down there in person since they started putting it down correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the material of the turf itself is white, rather than painting the green turf white. This will look better longer, and won't get rock hard like the painted lines on the old stuff did. (Also, notice no soccer lines!! ) Center Logo (or lack thereof) - I wonder what will be added. Of course, anything that is added will probably lead to that hard-as-a-rock turf as mentioned above. I hope they put something there, but they keep it to a minimum. Overall, I think this will be a SIGNIFICANT improvement on the visual appearance of Fouts. Add in the decreased injury risk, we've got a winner!!
  8. Another wrinkle to keep in mind in this debate is the fact the the SBC has two new schools, very near each other, who are new to the league. They need to televise as many FAU and FIU games as possible to spur fan interest in those two markets and to introduce the other SBC schools to those fan bases. They are much more likely to tune in to watch their team play than two SBC schools that they know nothing about play each other (at this point). Arkstfan is probably exactly right when he said that WW had little or no input on the game selection, but there are some reasons for him to like the extra coverage in his newest markets. Just trying to look at this without my green colored glasses on........
  9. I hate to interrupt the "kissy face" talk, but back to the original topic of this thread...... I had a job interview last week with a guy out of Nashville. I mentioned being a NT grad and he said that there has been a LOT of talk on Nashville sports radio about the upcoming game in the 'boro. And keep in mind this in the the heart of Tennessee Vol Country!! I plan on making the drive up from Atlanta again this year, this should be a great game to watch!! FFR, any chance you and the Mrs. will be making this trip?
  10. I've known DJ since high school where I chased the skirt of one of her friends. She is, indeed, a keeper! Good genes in that family........
  11. Of course I'm totally biased, but I would have to go with Bron Beal..... errr, Scott Davis! Scott had a cannon for an arm, and could run that funky wish 'n shoot to perfection. The mental image of him faking a pitch and cutting it up the field, usually to the end zone, always brings a smile to my face! BTW, Bron, if you're out there, just kiddin' bud!!
  12. Actually, the caw has been around for a while. I distinctly remember the soccer team doing it while making the hand sign back in '88 and '89. Of course, you can't trust those pinko commie soccer players!!
  13. OK, let's take this one piece at a time. . . Apparently you think I "got the red a$$?" and your 'biting sarcasm' has made my "butt wanna suck a lemon" I guess that means you think I was angry? Wrong. You think you have hurt my feelings?!? Hardly. As I said, I was amused with your weak attempts at talking smack while boosting your own ego. And that bit at the end wasn't a warning, it was an announcement to you and the moderators of this board that I don't have a problem with you calling me whatever you want. I don't want you booted off the board, what would I laugh at if you were? Computer science and mathmatics, eh? That explains the lack of social skills. Are you sure there wasn't a double minor in backwoods country vernacular? FYI: Saying "I was just kidding" when your directional dribble flops miserably doesn't make you look and cooler than when you say "I meant to do that" when you include West Virginia in your list of directional schools. You can't remember being called a directional school? Yeah, right. No reason for that to be a sore spot after such a "mean spirited hurtful remark." <_< As for the rest of your ramblings about my "split personality," you seem awfully attached to that idea, I wonder why that is?
  14. Wow. Where to start...... Seagull, for future reference, claiming "I meant to do that" when your mistakes are pointed out does not make you sound cool. Ever. This might be a tough concept for you to grasp, but my name refers to the schools and the years that I actually GRADUATED from institutions of higher learning. I will understand if that one is a bit tough to comprehend. After all, you are in the middle of an intellectual knock-down drag-out with a 14-year old. And as for all that directional drivel, I'm afraid your sentence structure precludes me from even coming close to understanding what you are trying to say. But please, keep trying, we are really enjoying your endless explanations of why your directional school isn't a directional school. Your tirade has managed to work its way from baffling to sad and has finally settled into the realm of entertainment. Oh, and by the way, this board normally has a policy prohibiting personal name-calling, but if you feel the need to call me names then fire away. We'll just keep having a good time considering the source!
  15. Oooo, you ALMOST beat a good team. Have a cookie. Aaaahh, you had a good back. IN 19freaking82!! Have some juice with that cookie!! And no, we do not have an O-Line like Cal. Do you have a D-Line like Colorado? The only thing blowing around here, my friend, is you.
  16. Think of it like a SAT question (assuming you've taken it): Southern is to South as Moronic is to ____________. A. Moral B. Moron C. Brain Surgeon D. Rocket Scientist
  17. Hey Seagull, Just to point out the moronic, West Virginia is the name of the state. Why didn't South Carolina or North Dakota make your list?!?
  18. Alum, this is slightly off-topic, but would that pic happen to be of the shot that messed up the Cal guy's mouth? I have read several posts about that incident (like it's anything to brag about, but that's another topic entirely), and was wondering exactly how it happened. That pic looks like it could have produced some pain in the mandibular region!
  19. Just to clear up any confusion, Rick meant to hold them up facing AWAY from you and TOWARDS the players on the court. During free throws, for example. And, be sure to hold them up with BOTH hands, not just one! P.S. Major kudos to anyone that gets the Steve Martin reference!
  20. Wow, I'm away from the computer for the weekend, and somebody spikes the Kool-Aid (or at least Rudy's!) Urban Meyer to NT? More far fetched than I could have dreamed up sober! Urban Meyer to Washington? Only slightly more believable than him coming here! Ron Zook to South Carolina under Spurrier?!?!? We all need to think clearly and objectively prepare for the day (not in the near future IMHO) that DD gets that call and takes it. We are an emerging mid-major. Emerging mid-majors usually get their head coaches from OC's or DC's from bigger programs, taking the chance to win here and move up the food chain. Take a look at some of the younger, more successful OC's or DC's in the Big 12. They would already have recruiting connections in the area, which would help. Someone along that vein would be a realistic best-case-scenario for us. I'm in Atlanta, so I am clueless on those kinds of details in the Big 12. Sounds like a fun homework assignment for someone!!
  21. No offense to all the posters on this thread, but can we just let this one die? I worked with the Florida program when he was there the first time. Zook is a bit on the moronic side when it comes to personality (but then again, so is Spurrier!). We don't want him. I think it's best (especially at mid-season) to totally support DD warts and all. If a better offer comes along for him in the off-season, then we can talk! Honestly, reading this thread makes me forget which message board I am reading!!
  22. As someone with strong ties to both schools, I will say this: Zook is an amazing recruiter!! J-MO is a perfect example of what we can do if we increase the talent pool, and he could definately do that! I'm not crazy about his play-calling (equivalent dislike when compared to DD's), but he could get load us up on talent! That being said, don't hire him!!
  23. You guys need to ease up on Bob. He does (in a way) represent the problem, but he also represents the solution! As our program continues to grow and be successful, alums from around the country will sit up and take notice. Some will open their wallets to support from afar. Some will become butts in seats. He represents our potential fanbase!! You might want to welcome him a little more warmly!! There's nothing wrong with rooting for more than one school (heck, just look at my name!). I do understand the concern among many on the board for not rooting for your alma mater, but without a history of success that can happen easily. Establish some history of success, and those silent masses out there just might make themselves heard!!
  24. First off, my legal disclaimer: I was not at the game last night, so I have no first-hand knowledge. However, the situation being described (student stands packed like sardines, ushers telling people if they leave they will not be able to get back in, line of people waiting to get back in) sounds like a fire code issue. My guess is that someone in charge realized there were entirely too many people in that area and told ushers to allow exits only until the numbers leveled out. Much like waiting at a club for two people to leave before they will let another two in, only they weren't letting anybody back in for a while because they were over the limit, not at it. Again, this is a W.A.G., but it makes sense given the circumstances!
  25. I will grant that his comments about there being "nothing left but 100 players and 10 coaches, because everyone else had abandoned us" is a bit of a stretch. He needs to say "most" and not "all" to not offend the fans that never abandoned the players (i.e. most people on this board). His comments are MOSTLY accurate, but the inaccuracies will cause him a lot of damage with his most devoted fans. Someone (RV) should enlighten him on this. His "what little support we have" comment, as accurate as it may be, should NEVER be made in public (on KNTU or ESPN). Call me crazy, but I don't think attempting to shame your alumni base into giving more support to an athletic department sounds like a smart idea. I think he is a good coach, but he is not perfect. However, one would think that these recurring issues would be easily "fixable" with a chat or two from someone higher up the food chain. Just think, if it were not for these bone-headed comments, exactly what about DD would we complain about?
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