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Everything posted by Eagle91Gator95

  1. You are correct.
  2. Man, I just read this on this board. I can't wait to go over to Swamp Gas and read their comments. Trev was considered by most Florida fans as a shameless leg-humper (AKA UGAy fan). They will be loving this!!
  3. Here's my take on this game...... MUTS' vaunted offense did exactly squat against Bama..... The Bama score wasn't very lop-sided, but Bama is notorious for playing down to their competition, especially in the first game of the season...... Their offense will perform better against our D than Bama's, so I expect this game to be high scoring....... The biggest deciding factor will be squarely between the MUTS players ears. They have no confidence in their ability to beat us. If the game comes down to the wire and is close, they fold in crunchtime (as always)!
  4. I respectfully disagree. I think MUTS will put nine in the box, which will slow down (not stop) our running game. However, nine in the box will set the stage for several big passing plays. After a few of them, MUTS will be forced to respect the pass a bit more, and PC & JT will bust some big running gains.
  5. The following is a link to a news story about Johnny White's sports bar, the only bar that kept its doors open during and after the storm. Was this our official bar for any of our previous years at the NO Bowl? You gotta love that kind of spirit in the midst of that much mayhem and destruction!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050904/ts_al...ar_050904183549
  6. As much as I hate going against one of Moot's s, I have to think the state political pressure would almost assure that neither ULaLa or ULM will stop this shuffle from happening. There's too much money to be lost for LSWho to not play their full allottment of home games!!
  7. I would take 27-10 and runnnnnnnn............ I am afraid the difference will be more than double that. Lack of experience at QB will be a killer in Death Valley, allowing them to put 14 in the box (or so it will seem)
  8. Black pants would be sooooo much hotter, even at 8:30 AM. Also, white pants are much easier to keep white than black pants are to keep black over time. Besides, I am sure they would not have worn game pants unless they were wearing full game uni's, which they obviously were not.
  9. You are right, it does happen everywhere. On occasion. If you don't think LSwho has a bigger reputation for this type of occurrance than any other school in the SEC, you are fooling yourself. I'm sure you have never taken part in it, most haven't. It only takes a few bad apples. And I also agree with the earlier post that stated it is much more common after a LSwho home loss (which, let's face it, ain't likely to happen next Saturday). I'm sure you are tired of hearing it, but did you ever stop to think that there might be a reason you hear it "over and over and over and over and over and over again?" I'm not 'bitching.' I am giving a heads-up to all the NT fans that may have never been to red stick. Leave the flags in the trunk when you head to the stadium. It's good advice for any road trip.
  10. OK, I'll go on record: If that is exactly what the helmets are going to look like (which it probably isn't), I don't like it. Hopefully that is just someone's photoshop-type attempt to emulate what they will look like, and the green color, font size, font positioning, etc. is just an educated guess. I'm holding out for better.
  11. Umm, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it might have more to due with the fact that Bourbon Street is less than an hour away than your 'reputation for hospitality'. No, they don't know any better, and that's the problem. As you might notice from my nick, my other alma mater is Florida. Most SEC fans know better than to leave their vehicle in any parking lot in red stick with flags waving because of the stories they have been told. Most UNT fans will not. Perhaps you have never witnessed such activities first-hand, I will be the first to admit that I haven't either. But when there's smoke there's usually fire, and when it comes to LSwho's home crowd's reputation around the SEC, there's plenty of smoke.
  12. Oh good. More rain for me here in the ATL.
  13. Death Valley might have been voted best gameday experience by LSU fans, but certainly not by visiting fans. It is, however, likely to be voted Most Likely Place To Have Your Windshield Bashed In If You Have A License Plate Frame Or Bumper Sticker Supporting The Opposing Team.
  14. Poor Darla. FFR's going to want this pic as his wallpaper at home, and I ain't talking about his computer!!
  15. I nominate this for most underrated post of the day!!
  16. I think the turf was replaced once in the '90s, but it was definately a rug when NR was filmed. I was an extra on the Texas Colts sidelines in the big finale, by the way. More than a week of filming and I got about 2 seconds of air time!!!
  17. To answer what I think was your original question, the NCAA allows a certain number of practices within a certain time period prior to the start of the season. Coaching staffs have the latitude to schedule more two-a-days, three-a-days, etc. and start later if they so choose. They will all have the same number of practices before that first game.
  18. In regard to your first comment, FSWHO has worked in conjunction with the Seminole Nation of Florida to ensure that all imagery, mascots, traditions, etc. are in keeping with the heritage of the group, and has their official blessing. Very different than a generic indian logo and costume. In regard to your second comment, I am too confused to comment!
  19. My other alma mater doesn't have one, and they seem to be doing OK without it. Seriously, it is nowhere near the top of the priority scale. Once the new stadium is built, and that new turf in Fouts needs a home, I say go for it!
  20. CLICK CLICK!! (Insiders from my era will know exactly what this means!
  21. Based on those numbers, I would bet the farm on Ark State and Kansas State. I would lean toward MUTS, UT and LSU, but not hard enough to put cash on the table. FWIW.
  22. I just clicked on the webcam link to get an update, and the dang thing is dark!!! How dare they not have the lights on so I can get a status report 24 hours a day?!?
  23. Speaking as an Atlantan........ that is funny!!
  24. Since when did this turn into a South Carolina football thread?!?
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