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Everything posted by Eagle91Gator95

  1. You obviously are not familiar with how college football works. Oh, could I tell you some stories, but it would be seriously off-topic!
  2. Cal would beat Kansas HANDILY. USC will be very tough to beat.
  3. NorthTexan95, you officially have WAY too much free time on your hands!!
  4. Wow, could there statistics BE more inaccurate?!?
  5. I have a couple of unusual ones: 1. A strip of Fouts Field turf (circa 1987, somewhere around 18" x 48") recovered after a repair when someone decided to have a campfire at midfield. 2. A set of Denton Community Hospital trading cards, featuring the likes of: Scott Davis, Jeff Tutson, Carl Brewer, Charles Monroe, Tony Cook, Darrin Collins, Keith Chapman, Trent Touchtone, Byron Gross, Scott Bowles, Clay Bode, J.D. Martinez, Lou Smith, Kregg Sanders, Larry Green and Major Greene For the right price, I might could work up some sort of a package deal......
  6. I had to vote 'Other.' The consistent top notch performance that Diet Coke guy has shown thusfar is one of the few bright spots for the team this season.
  7. I knew there couldn't be an "inside sources say....." thread without a from Moot showing up quickly!!
  8. It's a Big Brother thing.
  9. I knew Trent, and the rest of the team. That boy was crazy!! The thought of him ending up as a U.S. Marshall is amazing!!
  10. And 9 of those 23 were scored by the defense!!!
  11. He has to be granted a medical redshirt, and I doubt the NCAA would do that for a 'tweaked' hammy after two games.
  12. I appreciate the respect, but apparently that aren't that familiar with our OOC history........ P.S. This is not my impression of Lou Holtz and the 'woe is us' technique!!
  13. Yep, it was OU. That one got national pub. I remember seeing that one on the highlight shows here in Atlanta and being more than a little embarrassed for alma mater #1!!
  14. Well now I am really kicking myself for letting a little thing like being between jobs stop me from making the trip to the 'boro!! It would have been great to catch up with Scott!! P.S. I'm a letterman, and got no e-mail.......
  15. That is great work!! I'd take one!! You know, after seeing that on a dark background, I think that logo in white would look pretty darn good on our current color green helmets (the thought of it on the new green makes me feel a little hurly!)!!
  16. Most damaging? For me, without a doubt, it was Keith Chapman's extra point clanging off the right upright and falling harmlessly into the end zone against NLU in 1988. We had just come back from 21 points down, and the extra point would have tied the game and (if no one else scored in the last 90 seconds or so) we would have been co-Southland conference champions. I can still feel that ring slipping off my finger, so that play was quite damaging to my jewelry collection!
  17. Post of the day.
  18. Let's try to put this in perspective, people: it's like you are upset because your rich uncle asked you to house-sit for the weekend, and when it was over you realize you drove the Ferrari more than the Lamborghini. Was the experience really so bad?!?
  19. DAWG, I hate to respond at all, because this just ain't gonna happen, but FYI you cannot redshirt your lost year of eligibility. That's why they call it LOSING a year. If (theoretically) JT were to transfer after this season, he would sit out next year and have one year of eligibility remaining. If he redshirted, it would be the year after next, allowing his senior season to be in the fall of '08. Again, just FYI.
  20. And to top it all off, were you aware that he was injured early in the contest? My inside sources on the training staff have informed me that Diet Coke Guy actually broke the nail on his top-popping finger early in the second quarter!!! Team physicians were able to reduce the displaced nail and secure it in place with a bandage and some tape, and resected it after the game with a pair of clippers. Have you ever tried to pop a top with a bandaged finger? Now imagine the pressure of trying to pop that top, moving up and down the field, while DD is right there in your face wanting that refreshment!! This kid has a future, and I feel much better about the next couple of years for our program!!
  21. Dear Lord, will it ever end?!? I swear, no topic makes me want to swallow the silver Tic-Tac more than a uniform thread!!
  22. Pro: Having the chance to play LSU in mid-season form, while they view us as a vacation from their SEC schedule. Much greater chance for a close game a la Troy last year!
  23. 2007 ←
  24. Judging from the crowd 2 years ago, I am going to go out on a limb and say........ not.
  25. Hehehe, at my message board of choice for my other alma mater, any discussion of uniform changes always includes laser beams and jet packs. I'm content with the pants.
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