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Everything posted by Eagle91Gator95

  1. Nice avatars on that board, I may have to visit more often......
  2. Screaming Eagle, your last post made a number of excellent points. The post before that, however, was utter nonsense!
  3. <-- Will Cowbell for a Ticket and space on somebody's hotel room floor!!
  4. Dangit, that's both my alma maters playing in the same building in the same day. Methinks I'm gonna have to get creative.........
  5. And North Texas making the NCAA Basketball Tournament would be historic........ how? We have been there, done that, you do realize that right?
  6. Let me get this straight......... Arkansas' out-of-conference opponents are NT, FIU, Troy and UT-Chattanooga......... Wow........ I know the SEC is tough, but come on, talk about gaping holes in a top tier program's strength of schedule! I would like to see U of A start playing ASU, but UCA is a bit too much of a stretch.
  7. Season opener, 1987, taking death-penalty SMU's place on OU's schedule. On the sidelines as a freshman student trainer. I wrote a paper about the day in freshman lit, describing coming out well before the game and seeing the sections of red and white seats, banners flying in the breeze, etc., then going in the locker room and coming back out just before kickoff to find that serene setting replaced by tens of thousands of Sooner fans screaming expletives at us! Switzer on the sidelines, Holloway at QB, Keith Jackson at TE...... Wow. Welcome to college football! I'll never forget it!
  8. Smitty, Any chance we could see a happy medium, as big as possible while still having the talon surrounding the ear hole? When I looked at your first post on the thread, that was the first thing that popped in my head. I'm suprised no one has suggested it already. Thanks!
  9. Actually, I think Adler's point was that Bomar would have to sit out another year (2007) if he transferred again to any D-1 school. Hence the "sat" vs. "sit" tense change. FWIW.
  10. Seventy co-eds and immortality in football heaven?
  11. You should have said: "Your logic makes no sense....... to me." Made plenty of logical sense on my end. Of course you are comparing an undefeated defending state champion to a team in a down year in an less-than-thrilling conference. Granted. But you are still comparing a high school football team to a NCAA Division I football team. I understand it, but I'm not proud of it, either.
  12. Seriously folks, let the NTSU resentment go. Have you ever read another team's site where they didn't commonly refer to opponents with somewhat unflattering nicknames? Don't we use, SMUt, SMWho, etc.? It's how this game is played. Stick and stones.....
  13. It's not that unusual for offensive guru HC's to also be OC's, or defensive guru's to also be DC's. However, since I have read that he had an OC at SLC, I would assume he would do the same here since he will have additional duties here that he did not have in high school.
  14. Damn, I'm gone for 24 hours, and trigger fingers get this itchy? Wow! (Note to self: No sudden movements or loud noises while on the GMG board for a while) <---- back slowly away from the keyboard, avoiding eye contact with anyone.....
  15. Am I the only one who's stomach turned just a bit at that stat?
  16. Without question, this hire will make a huge local splash. I would certainly expect TD to help with local recruiting. I just don't like the national "NT hires high school FB coach" type headlines that could turn off many NT alums with deep pockets outside the metroplex/Texas. That's my #1 concern. My #2 concern is whether he can make the transition from HS to college HC.
  17. Which one of the reporters is Vito?
  18. What's the early line on that one?
  19. I nominate this for bizarre post of the day. As far as my $0.02, I am pulling for him 100% but I'm a bit leary as well. Being quite removed from the local area (Georgia/South Carolina), I'm not as familiar with him as most of you are. I know about his success at SLC, but also know there are many duties in college football that don't exist in high school (recruiting being the most obvious). I hope my concerns will prove unfounded. The local sports talk radio station here (Greenville SC) had their college football expert on the phone this afternoon, and the host asked him if he had heard that NT had hired a high school coach. He hadn't. No mention of TD by name, just surprise at the HS hire. (I was just glad they didn't call us NTS!! ) I'm not concerned about the recruiting damage, since we don't pull many players from the Palmetto state, but you never know what potential donors throughout the country may have had a negative impression from hearing the cliff notes version of this news without knowing any details. Food for thought.
  20. I like the way your twisted brain is wired, my friend.
  21. Again, just my experience, but I have never had a problem in Fayetteville (been there for Gator games). Every team has a few a-holes, sounds like you lost the parking lottery last time. Oh, and by the way.... Maybe we could say we're heading to Fayetteville hoping to Dodge a Nutt!!
  22. Optimistic estimate.........
  23. Man, I hadn't thought of that in years. Anyone assoicated with a CN team could impersonate that term with a raspy voice to perfection, even the female student trainers!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane! Oh, and on the original topic, the most important trait in our new head coach? I say the most important factor is a smoking hot wife!!
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