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MeanGreenTexan last won the day on December 5 2023

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About MeanGreenTexan

  • Birthday 07/25/1981

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  1. I'm not sure I follow... Coach Hodge stayed here because he was offered the HC job immediately after Mac left, which was the easiest slam-dunk hire Mosely has ever made. HC jobs are generally better than asst. coach jobs, as Coach Hodge makes over $700k/yr, whereas TX Tech had to open up their purse strings to get Asst. Coach Linder away from Wyoming with a 3-yr deal worth over 1.7mil/yr. Hodge wasn't going to get that money from Tech, but even if he did, he still makes more here (as a HC) than Linder does as an asst. If NT hadn't offered him the HC job, and Coach Mac asked him to move to Lubbock & keep it going, he most-definitely would have. He wouldn't have stayed in Denton and looked around for a job close by, or cross his fingers that the next coach would keep him on, because his family likes it here.
  2. UAB in the same boat as us (no one wants to play them). SouthFL likely in the same boat pre-coach Abdur Rahim's passing. Tulsa/Tulane/ECU/Rice... just looking for wins to pad schedule. Wonder what Pernetti's solution is? In this article, he just pointed at the "guidance that's already in place"... OK, well, that's obviously not working as it should.
  3. It seemed like most times Beverly came on, it was for Bell. With the way those dudes were playing, Coach Mills missed an opportunity in keeping them on the floor at the same time. I'm sure there were matchup considerations, but just watching them, it was clear they were both hot. And again, it wasn't like they were just getting wide open looks. They were driving & hitting some nicely-contested shots. Got them both on the floor at the same time in the last minute, but I think if that had happened maybe a minute or two earlier, the game could have wound up with a different result. Who knows? But yeah, going back & looking at Beverly's stats, I can see what you're saying. Dude is all over the place... and when we played in Wichita, his statline was 2pts/1reb/1ast in 28min! Jeckyl/Hyde.
  4. Bell & Beverly were hitting some very tough/contested shots. Props to those guys. Mean Green made them work hard for every point. Not sure why Beverly wasn’t on the floor much in the last 5 min or so (at least, he didn’t seem to be). If he was, that could have turned out differently. Latrell had a nice game & Atin was clutch.
  5. Horrible. Praying for his family & friends who've lost a big part of their lives.
  6. Here at North Texas, we don't do invitations. We do InvitaAashhuuUuUuunnns.
  7. After the events of the past 2 days in a different sport, I don't believe coach Hodge will be the first NT coach to be snapped up by a bigger program... but he's definitely one to watch, unfortunately.
  8. There's more than one way to skin a cat, and in today's NIL/unlimited transfer-driven landscape, the way you must do it is through the portal. Looking through that lens, I would say Coach Hodge is VERY-GOOD-to-EXCELLENT in that area: Consider having your top 5 return-eligible performers all transfer out: Rubin, AScott, Noland, Edwards, & Buggs (Allen was out of eligibility). Your top 3 returning players are Moulaye, Dello, & Stone. None of us would consider those 3 as critical to the team's success in 23-24 (maybe Moulaye, since he was a starter, but Allen made a much bigger impact when he was in). Yet here we are, with 6 new faces in our top 7 producers. Being able to get that kind of roster turnover to gel this quickly, and succeed even more than last season (at the time of this post) is huge. I would argue this type of talent development is more important then getting HS freshmen in & having them develop, in the traditional sense. And, when looking at the traditional idea of player development, are you seeing what I'm seeing out of Moulaye (5 more ppg, 2 more rpg)?
  9. I think you may be downplaying McNeese. People who know D1 basketball know what McNeese & Will Wade are cooking. You're right about HP. Stinks we dropped that one, but again, they're in the drivers seat in their conference, so if they wind up as a tourney team, it won't look nearly as bad.
  10. McNeese is a home-&-home: https://meangreensports.com/news/2024/10/1/mens-basketball-finalizes-series-with-mcneese @HP is a tough one, but I think going on the road to play tough teams pre-conference is a good thing. It worked out well for us @Minnesota. Can't win 'em all.
  11. I think you may be stuck on the UTSA game. And believe me, that game sucked. There's no excuse for what happened in the 1st half of that game. Maybe the guys drank some Green Koolaid before, and just thought they'd roll the ball out there & watch the roadrunners fold... I dunno. Outside of that game, I don't think any of our losses (certainly not any of our wins) have booted us from at-large considerations. Outside of that horrendous UTSA game, the only other loss that could be considered "bad" would be the road loss to UAB (all other losses are to teams that are leading their leagues & in the drivers seat for auto-bids). And we didn't have one of those horrible scoring droughts during that game.
  12. “Every game”? A little exaggerated, huh?
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