On page 4 of the Wake thread, "thedeacfan" references a comment that RV made at about 2:50 on the video, where Rick said something to the effect of "maybe he came here because of the AD", with said fan taking that as a statement about the Wake Forest AD. For one thing, can he not get the very strong likelihood that RV was making an attempt at self deprecating humor, rather than publicly criticize another school's AD when that (world of FBS athletic directors) is a pretty small world, with one's future employability depending at least somewhat on being respectful of an AD from another school? And for another, if the private school guys are so superior as they're always making themselves out to be, why didn't someone suggest to "thedeacfan" that it was probably just RV joking about himself, rather than airing dirty Wake Forest laundry?
Not that anyone has a monopoly on stupid fan board posts.