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Everything posted by eulessismore

  1. I didn't really notice the strength so much, but thought as a team they looked move athletic.
  2. Yeah, I'm not sure how to say it; whether it's "with him we'll have an offensive playmaker", or "without him, we don't know if we'll have an offensive playmaker".
  3. If we don't win, I'll demand a refund for my admission!
  4. I hope to be there by 2:00; tomorrow is my 62nd birthday, and I think that will be a good way to spend it! Dwayne Taylor
  5. Well, it looks like the title of this thread is finally right. Calipari accepts offer from Kentucky
  6. If working those kind of hours contributes to getting divorced, which I suspect it does, I have to question whether it's cost effective. That assumes that spending more time together helps couples stay married.
  7. I see nothing wrong with grammar or content in the above.
  8. Hey, you should try UNT; I have two degrees from there, and have no problems with English usage.
  9. The only problem is that those at the two extremes never tire of expressing their "truth".
  10. I would be willing to contribute to either a reward or scholarship fund, or both, as the situation warrants. I just don't know how much, but probably will know more by next Saturday. Perhaps the event next Saturday would be a good time to start collections for a scholarship fund.
  11. Our manager, who has seen Cantly play a lot of high school ball, says he has played very well as DE in the past, and is sure he could do that in college. However, he thinks 300 or more is too much weight for a DE, and that North Texas needs to decide where he's going to play, and target his conditioning accordingly.
  12. I thought some of this was fairly interesting; among other things, another Phillips is becoming a linebacker. Latest from Vito
  13. Well, I had Memphis winning it all, so I know I'm screwed. Just shows how wrong I can be!
  14. Hey, as a Democrat I find it kind of insulting what is said by some on this board about us, but the way I look at it, we won the last election. There must have been a reason. And honestly, I became a Democrat after being a Republican over 40 years ago. I'd like to say that I quit supporting Republicans when Goldwater wouldn't support the 1964 Civil Rights Act, but it was really when I was working in a call center for the John Tower senatorial campaign. It was 1966, I think; he came into the room, talked to the woman in charge and didn't even look at those of us making the phone calls. I got up, walked out, and have never voted presidentially Republican. So, I always try to be nice to others, even if I perceive them to be insulting to me. I will say that George W. Bush was nice to me when I met him, but I had policy differences that kept me from voting for him. It's possible to disagree without being disagreeable.
  15. I guess I'd have to read the entire text of the legislation (and who does that?) to believe that Congress would have such nerve. I was listening to an interview of former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn once, when he described having proposed that students receiving guaranteed (by the government) student loans be required to perform some kind of public service. He said he couldn't get any other senator as a cosponsor for it.
  16. I thought it was interesting what he said about Ball State and their running back. It sounds like our defense should get tested right away, especially on stopping the run. I agree that nothing can be taken for granted; I do count myself among those to consider that game winnable, based on them looking about the same as we did against Tulsa last year.
  17. Vito's thoughts on the schedule
  18. Maybe the Committee To Accept the Results of Elections.
  19. Hey, you were right about this one Flyer; you da man!
  20. I'm very glad to hear that Tevinn's knee injury is not serious.
  21. The kid is doing all he can for pie.
  22. As for the first highlighted item, I'm still not quite getting what the Democrats controlling the Presidency, the House and Senate have to do with the AIG issue, which, I'm still thinking the big problem was nationalizing it in the first place, while Bush was still President, and there was no enabling legislation, according to MarketWatch: AIG effectively nationalized on 9-16-2008 As for the second highlighted item, my heart goes out to you, your family, and your friends. I do know that, overall, things will get better. Like most people, I just don't know when. However, I'm still not convinced that a scenario in which "Obama fails" will help anyone in the short term; if you're talking about the long term, people will be debating it well beyond the Obama Presidency. A pretty good Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, said something to the effect that "you don't build yourself a house by burning down your neighbors". Or, to my thinking, "why wish failure on anyone".
  23. I'll agree with the highlighted part, although I guess I'm more worried about people who are struggling to meet more basic needs. And I guess the short version of my argument is: Hope for the best for the country; there's no guarantees that Obama will get credit for any improvement. I've only met one person who became President; George W. Bush when he was governor of Texas. I told him at the time that I was a Democrat, and he seemed ok with that, and appreciated my kind words praising the bipartisanship he was known for at the time. Now as former President, he's exhibiting that bipartisanship again by vocally supporting Obama, I'm sure with the best interests of all Americans in mind.
  24. As to the first paragraph, the most controversial governmental acquisition of a corporation (80% of it the last I heard) seems to be AIG, which was begun during the Bush administration. However that seems to have come about, I agree with the "don't like it" part. As best as I can recall, the AIG thing was separate from the "TARP" program, which seems to have been a collaboration between a Republican President and a Democratic congress, so I'm not sure how the Democrats were unchecked on this, which, at this time, I do agree was bad legislation. I'm not too sure what corporate interests were acquired during the Carter administration, but am open to your informing me. And speaking of reckless and hasty legislation, is it still ok to talk about the "TARP" legislation? Again, a bipartisan effort, but I honestly agree with its flaws (along with the takeover of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and AIG, which were NOT by legislation, but by the Federal Reserve). And I agree with the analysis of someone on NPR last week that those actions were basically put together in less than a week-he said weekend, resulting in some real shortcomings. One of those apparently resulted in paying off credit default swaps which were nothing more than bets against the American housing market at 100 cents on the dollar. For all it's faults, bankruptcy filing would have resulted in those holding them probably getting nothing on the dollar; even with no bankruptcy, that kind of return from an institution that's going into a sort of receivership seems outrageous. As far as Everything else in your post seems to imply that the inverse of that statement would be true; that if Obama fails, that America succeeds. I think that depends on your definitions of success and failure for this president and this country. Maybe another perspective could be "I hope America succeeds; whether or not the president in office at the time deserves blame or credit will be analyzed at least as long as whether FDR's New Deal brought us out of the depression or lengthened it." These days, the only way I could not know families negatively affected by the economic downturn would be to go into a complete shell; to parse whether or not success or failure of Obama would or would not be good for the country is a debate only those well insulated from the problems of those less fortunate could really make.
  25. I think Adler is right, that he would have made a great coaching hire for UNT, but my guess is that he's probably got a pretty sweet situation at K State right now. I will say that I was galled by what one of the board members posted at that suggestion, at a time when Rodgers was "Assistant Special Teams Coach" for the 49ers, asking what Denton had to offer to compare to San Francisco. I guess it's fortunate for KSU that they didn't feel so inferior about what Manhattan (Kansas) had to offer.
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