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Everything posted by eulessismore

  1. Been fun; time for bed now; the snow may have melted in Minot when I post here next. And how about that North Dakota law enforcement?
  2. Sorry; I like SUMG, but Breitbart just doesn't have the cred with me (a British Tory? I thought we whipped them once). I'm going to keep taking the train to work' yes, there's plenty of people on there at the times I take it.
  3. That's your political and business philosophy and you're entitled to it. And your comment about the end of the Sun confirms a belief I've had for a while that the Bible Thumpers and the Scientists agree on one thing; the world will end. The End Timers just don't want to wait that long. And you can read one of my above posts (and use the link to the National Geographic) about use of appropriate time frames for comparing the Earth's climatic changes.
  4. They probably just gave us a different perspective over there in Earth and Life Sciences, which is, that American Ingenuity would find ways to make even more money from creating and manufacturing clean technologies, and selling it to other countries. And honestly, I'm becoming convinced that the whole gobal warming "realism" is being driven by funding from big energy companies who use it to distract us from the cycles of increasing gasoline prices that are beginning regularly every year shortly before Memorial Day weekend. Yes, as an environmentalist, I think high energy prices fuel conservation, but as an American, I think the prices last year went up too high, further damaging the economy, at a particularly bad time.
  5. I think you're confusing the significance of things that happen within different time frames: Here's a quote, and then the link to the overall series from which it came. "Things that normally happen in geologic time are happening during the span of a human lifetime," says Fagre. "It's like watching the Statue of Liberty melt." National Geographic Global Warming Series I think others may have posted parts of this before, but that's the link to their entire series. If you can think of reasons why you think I should believe your sources rather than National Geographic, feel free to let me know what they are.
  6. Pakistani Villagers attack Taliban militia
  7. Hey, I'm disappointed too! I learned about global warming from professors at North Texas, beginning more than 30 years ago, so all these opinions being expressed that those theories being so wrong, I do take as a personal attack against the quality of my college education, of which I am quite proud, and I don't think it second to anyone's university. These weren't necessarily politically oriented opinions being expressed; nuclear power was put forth as an option, at a time when that was not popular with the left, I assure you. And, I'm kind of like hickoryhouse; having been to the Columbia Ice Fields of Alberta, Canada, and seeing places marked where glaciers had been was quite sobering to me. Honestly, those markers were showing changes over multiple decades, which is about when I see climatic data start having some meaning. Certainly, I find it difficult to consider a day's weather, which is what started this thread, to say much about climate; and anyone saying Bush had anything to do with Hurricane Katrina itself is ridiculous.
  8. I guess you're right; I'll quit thinking of you global warming skeptics so dismissively as like these guys, since I must now conclude that that debate "is not over": Flat Earthers' Forums
  9. If you have some other place you think any of us will ever go to live, good luck. It never stays the same, but things operate within certain critical ranges. I first encountered global warming as a student at then NTSU in the 1970's; that, sir, was no inferior education.
  10. The planet Earth is the only place where anything called life exists, and people are ok with "I think" and "I guess"? Amazing
  11. Maybe this will help you; it's from that nefariously left wing PBS (yeah, Ernie was right, it's not easy being green): Global Warming Skeptics; profiles, including funding sources.
  12. I just wonder how many who have read or replied to the original post clicked on the link to read the article (yes, the Geographic posts all its print content online, even for the latest issue). If you have and have only taken it as a point of departure for an anti-muslim post, I wonder how you'd explain this quote from it: Living as Arabs in the U.S. after 9/11 was an eye-opener for them. "It's funny," Mark says, "what Americans think about things. They've never heard of Arab Christians. They assume all Arabs are Muslim—terrorists, that is—and that Christianity was invented in Italy or something. So when you say, I'm an Arab Christian, they look at you funny, like you just said, The moon is purple. I had one lady ask me, 'What does your family think about you being a Christian? I suppose they must have been very upset!'
  13. So, when will we be able to send messages to Tasty?
  14. Yes, but their government operated law enforcement was able to catch some escapees from a privately operated prison in Alabama. Escapees from Alabama Prison captured in North Dakota Oh, and one day of weather doesn't mean much in terms of climate; that's what they taught me at the North Texas Geography Department, and I'm confident it still holds true. One thing I doubt attracts people to North Dakota (I'm not sure what does-FCS football?) is weather.
  15. Well, you might be able to learn more about them by finding their teams on this link: FCS conferences, listing teams and then looking at their records for the last 4 years on the this link: college football data warehouse for 1-AA teams. You might find it interesting that New Hampshire, their North Division champion last year (losing in the quarterfinals to Northern Iowa, beat Army during the regular season, and that Delaware, who lost the 2007 FCS Championship game to Appalachian State, beat Navy that year when we didn't. I don't see much in the way of common opponents to compare UNT or the rest of the Sun Belt, but their top 7 or 8 teams definitely looked more competitive against BCS teams than we have from 2005-2008.
  16. Damn, it's good to hear from you! Bad to hear that news, though.
  17. The time zone difference really does matter. There's a QB from Euless Trinity, Trevor Vittatoe, who I try to keep up with in his games with UTEP. Often, the results are not posted in the print newspapers, not on the 10:00 TV sports, and it's hard for me to keep up with it on the Internet.
  18. Does anyone recall watching the Channel 13 "CEO" feature on President Bataille, mentioning that we have something like 1,000 alumni (and active alumni!) in Thailand? I know there are problems with globalization, but folks, it has a lot of potential upside for our alma mater! One problem might be traveling to sports events; being part of an airline family, I can see spending months at a time in places like you've mentioned John, but I do enjoy fall and winter in Texas. Also, the early part of spring with its wildflowers is great.
  19. I thought it was what the Federalists were saying would happen if the Godless Jefferson and his Democratic-Republicans got in.
  20. Sorry, the guy's an idiot, based on this: 50: Rocky VII. But Sly Stallone starring as Jerry Jones in a biopic of the Dallas Cowboys' owner -- I'd pay to see that. Noone in the DFW area wants to see Jerry Jones, ever.
  21. Maybe the authorities could have provided them with bumper stickers such as I saw this week, saying "I park like an idiot".
  22. Gutenberg, who invented the mechanical printing press, was effectively bankrupt within a year of publishing his Bible.
  23. So. you're telling me that dingleberries are not...berries?
  24. I could swear that the bunny has two pancakes on its head. After I looked at a while longer, I could see the possibility of it being one pancake, but one with a facial expression...maybe like a turtle with its mouth open.
  25. I met Collin Dennis' mother at Seniors' Night; she just happened to have a seat behind mine. A fine lady; she told me about some tremendous challenges the Dennis Family had been experiencing during the last year. It kind of reminded me of what the minister at my church said one time (in so many words); "don't be too hard on anyone; you don't really know what has been happening in their lives".
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