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Everything posted by eulessismore

  1. God and these three places are GREAT! Glacier National Park, Montana Seven Sacred Pools; Maui, Hawaii Corney Brook, Nova Scotia
  2. Finally, someone asked a football question, and someone answered it. Well played, and I'm taking your word on it!
  3. The status quo of selective nonenforcement is basically legalized use without taxation. At least it looked that way the last time I was in California. Folks were basically just smoking in whatever public place they wanted to. I thought you were a free market advocate. The present scenario probably results in most marijuana sales being among those junior high through college age. But hey, prohibition worked real well. I'd say the reason most people who used to smoke pot quit had nothing to do with it being illegal, but a lot to do with drug testing for work and nagging by family. I favor the drug testing for work and nagging by family. Probably the greatest percentage of people using marijuana in Texas was when the maximum penalty for any amount was up to life in prison.
  4. I can remember a temperature like that here in August 10 or 12 years ago, yes big storm. Those things occasionally happen; enjoy them when they do, and don't start expecting it.
  5. They've done a lot of studies on this in North Carolina and especially at North Carolina State U. (NC's version of Texas A$M). I think the following link presents a good discussion of the issues: NC State Paper on Interlocking Pavers There's a lot of information out there; one thing I'd like to see is for the UNT Engineering school to design a project to study the effects of several different methods on the New Stadium site. Honestly, as an environmentalist, I'm disappointed at some of the L.E.E.D. efforts put forth by the City of Dallas. For one thing, two of the buildings I've visited have training facilities, but are so inconvenient to public transportation that one starts thinking of the energy it takes to get people to these sites compared to what is saved at the building itself. The permeable paving has larger contexts as well, mainly how to use it within an overall drainage plan for a facility. It seems to me that the costs and maintenance of the paving materials may be near or even above that of asphalt at the time of some studies, but that the time and cost savings realized from a reduced need for drainage structures might be beneficial to our project. Our President has mentioned some of the things done at the Universities in North Carolina that were beneficial to the environment; I hope she can apply some of what they and others have already learned to our construction needs. One thing to consider: these paving methods can result in greener pavement, literally and figuratively.
  6. Uh, those SLC boys DID get out of here alive, didn't they?
  7. I guess what I don't understand is why there's never been any kind of group rate available to those who don't have employer or government provided health insurance. It seems like that is something the insurance companies could actually come up with on their own, or with some government incentive, such as tax breaks, or as a requirement for those companies wishing to sell group plans to government entities. Or, am I wrong, and there is? I don't have all the answers, but I like Harry's idea of asking those expressing opposition to come up with suggestions, or at least to state openly, "hey, there is no problem". I honestly think that some here feel that there is no problem because they receive health insurance through their employer. If that's the basis of someone's belief, fine, but why not just come out and say so?
  8. Perhaps before members of GoMeanGreen.com claim to have the solution to every public policy issue that exists anywhere in the World, we should figure out how to have a good football program.
  9. This appears to have been decided against by the Department of Defense. I don't like tobacco; used to smoke it, and while I was in the Army. But, I agree with the opponents of the original proposal: military personnel are giving up enough, dealing with enough stress, and deprived of what many of the rest of us take for granted every day to have an otherwise legal activity taken away from them. Pentagon is dropping anti-smoking proposal
  10. I couldn't leave that one on the table: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and hemp And hey, check out this WWII call to patriotism:
  11. So, I don't recall anything in the oath I took as I was being inducted into the Army that would tolerate the violent overthrow of an elected government. Quite the contrary; we were promising to defend (even violently) against violent overthrow of the U.S. Government. And there wasn't even a ceremony releasing us from that oath. I guess I'm still obligated to take up arms against anyone in this country following the lead of this tiny country in CENTRAL America.
  12. They predicted 4 wins, Brett Vito predicted 4 wins, I predicted 4 wins. I'm detecting a trend.
  13. Why are people so hard on ladies with a little meat on their bones? A skinny woman will bruise you up.
  14. Darn you guys; now I'll actually have to read the Bible; latest advice I've gotten on that (from some Mormon, Tongan guys around here): skip over the begats. That done, I'll have to fulfill a promise to my wife before we married (8 years ago) to read the Book of Mormon. And Mormons are very big on begats; not at all big on drinking.
  15. Aah, you were right though; we all look so alike!
  16. I'll leave that question to someone who knows him personally. You can learn more about someone from meeting them one on one than through internet forums. I have spent time with Tasty and Quoner, and I know they are not racists.
  17. It seems like Acme Brick could give us a price break, since they have that brick plant in Denton, and it could be great advertising for them at the I35E-I35W split.
  18. Masterful use of angles by a videographer?
  19. One can infer from the above, eulesseagle, that those who actually WERE banned were making racist remarks. I was too late in viewing the thread that resulted in the ban to actually read any of it, but am willing to accept that it was interpreted as racist by some, but really satire. I do know two of those banned, Tasty and Quoner, and I assure you, neither of those men are racists! Dwayne Taylor
  20. Hey, we've long been a nation prone to impose its priggish mores on men being sent to the battlefield. The amendment to ban alcohol had been passed by Congress (over the veto of then President Wilson) before we sent our fighting men to Europe and the War to End All Wars. This was at a time when there were miserable conditions being endured by those in the trenches, and while British military men were still being issued their daily ration of grog. They might as well get a good toot when they were being led by idiotic senior officers who would have them leave said trenches time and again just to be mowed down by machine guns and other modern weaponry made available to the medievally minded military leadership. Hey, read about it in books like "11-11-18", which provided a sad story about senior officers pushing their men to continue fighting for positions which had already been determined by the scheduled end of hostilities on that day. Sorry, no last shot of rum for you, GI. Actually, this could lead to other, long dormant debates over the influence that marijuana had during the war in Viet Nam. I did not serve there, but was in the Army in the early seventies when our training instructors were Nam returnees. Yes, many American soldiers smoked marijuana, and we lost; however, the Communist fighters also smoked marijuana and they won. I'm not an advocate of the drugs which are now illegal, especially those such as meth, cocaince, and the opium based products. However, I still wonder at the morally based arguments around the use of such substances when, during war, our main objective is still to kill, capture, or destroy the enemy, and those far from the battlefield can still get in high dudgeon over the morality of various recreational substances being consumed by those facing death every day. All this morality is hard to take at times from a military that used to provide 4-packs of cigarettes in its k-rations. Sorry, I've rambled on so long over this. For now anyway, smoke 'em if you've got 'em!
  21. Three things, all having some impact on the defensive line (we've GOT to pressure the QB, folks): Conditioning: The hires for strenth and conditioning coach has already produced good results. Coaching: Deloach has a year under his belt in this return to DC; Mike Nelson truly knows college football and will prepare the DL much better than whodat. Cantly: Nelson has already expressed his belief in Tevinn Cantly's talent; we'll learn this year what a steal he was.
  22. Who could have imagined back in the 50's that we wouldn't all have personal jet packs.
  23. And here's a little historical tidbit about political archrivals John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence, and both their deaths on July 4, 1826: Adams, Jefferson, and July 4
  24. That one was really about the abandonment of soccer for the nobler pursuit of jazz guitar.
  25. I'm thinking I don't care how many yards he gets; more how many points he scores and how many wins North Texas gets.
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