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Everything posted by eulessismore

  1. Rudy, not jumping on board with your concept one way or the other, but I did just get a laugh recalling how someone of THAT board was telling someone who mentioned UNT and Dodge's win at Ball State words to the effect "you still have a hard weenie for Dodge". Hope that's not being too crude. Just thinking about how deja vu things can seem at times.
  2. Well, I had wondered at some point if improvement would lead us to being more competitive and still losing the yes, closer games. Some who have watched teams go through such a phase of losing a lot of close ones (I won't mention those teams names) have said that is really difficult to watch.
  3. See, that old "the beatings will continue until morale improves" has a ring of truth now, doesn't it?
  4. That's not far from what the guys on Ponyfans were saying...LAST WEEK! Oh yeah, and Bo Levi Mitchell is NOT the answer at quarterback.
  5. I've got to give you some respect for knowing what can be accomplished by "sticking to it", Rick. Knowing you were once head of parks and rec here in Euless, I wonder how long it took to have the kind of parks and rec facilities we have here now. And I know there were some reversals and false starts along the way. I can look out my kitchen window and see one of those in Wilshire Park.
  6. Has anyone seen his birth certificate?
  7. Sorry, I meant this: Urban Dictionary: Moon (Definition 1.)
  8. Where I grew up, some of the high school kids would shoot the moon every weekend.
  9. And cut down on the 3 and outs.
  10. I'm betting he plays next year.
  11. I don't paint anybody. You were the one engaging in all the generalizations. Since you didn't provide any factual basis for any of it, I was just inviting you to expand on your claim to "lots of experience with the disadvantaged". And yes, I do resent the generalizations; I was the youngest of 7 children abandoned by my father and raised by my saint of a mother. Yes, we were the recipients of government programs, AFDC ("welfare" to the amen corner here, I'm sure), commodities (we went through all this before foot stamps). I don't think there was any housing assistance then; I don't think the place we lived until I was 7 with no indoor plumbing would satisfy any minimum requirements for any subsidies that do exist now. Yeah, we made it out of welfare and into gainful, tax paying employment; me and my able bodied brothers all served in the military. I was thus able to finish college using the GI Bill benefits that I EARNED; yep grateful for that government program. I was just interested in reading about the "lots" of background you have in these matters.
  12. Well, since you have all that experience, are you going to grace us with the story? UNTFlyer at least did that for us. Otherwise, I guess we'll just have to admire the broad strokes in which you so lovingly paint "the poor".
  13. So, then poor DOES NOT = lazy...since one might still be poor while overcoming that condition? Sorry, I can understand your and other's policy differences with proposed health policy changes, but what's your purpose in having made what, yes, many do see as a calloused and insensitive remark? On the other hand, I still have a low opinion of those who, inheriting their parents oil fortunes in places like Wichita Falls (and Archer City, according to Larry McMurtrey), pissed it all away, and lied about their assets in bankruptcy court when prices collapsed in the 80's. Still, I suppose their wealth was simply a condition of their birth, and some of them would inevitably "live up" to the image of them that McMurtrey, and others cast in such movies as "The Last Picture Show". To me, the bottom line is that many people are poor at various times, and may or may not improve their situation. The same applies to many who are quite wealthy at various times. Many people can use help at some times; it's no weakness to accept that help. It's also good to help others in return when they need help. And congratulations for working your way up the ladder; sorry to say you couldn't possibly understand. I don't think I could have done it without the GI bill, and the faculty at then North Texas State University. Thank God for the public education system we do have.
  14. Maybe that's why so many in my family have been involved in helping out some of the immigrant communities. One of my sisters and her husband have pretty much sponsored the entire Vietnamese-American community in Wichita Falls. A little empathy (even born of poverty) can go a long way.
  15. It was interesting: honestly, we didn't really know how poor we were until we moved to the city (if you can call Wichita Falls that). Small town people are great, and don't judge you based on the circumstances you were born into. Plus, we raised our own vegetables, enough chickens for eggs and frying hens, and picked fruit from orchards in the summer. Also, not having television, homework was the entertainment for my older brothers and sisters. I learned to read from sitting around the kitchen table after supper with them, learning to read well before the first grade.
  16. QUOTE(Censored by Laurie @ Oct 6 2009, 01:11 PM) Poor = Lazy. Does that include both the nouveau poor and the born poor? Onion: Growing conflict between old and new poor.
  17. This.
  18. I can't predict 7-5, although I think it's possible. I do think we CAN win against any team left on our schedule.
  19. I have a hard time believing Riley's starting just because of his father. Otherwise, why would TD have cared whether Vizza transferred when he did; Riley was already available. Since we're talking high school, college (FBS AND FCS), AND professional, why didn't Hal Wasson start Kyle Padron in the game where Riley got hurt? Nowadays, some SMU fans are wishing for Padron to take over for Bo Levi Mitchell, but I've noticed June Jones isn't taking the bait. Many here will hate to hear this, but, since I've already mentioned these players, maybe the best comparison would be Riley Dodge and BLM. I'm kinda disappointed in TFLF for passing up the opportunity to a). bash Todd Dodge more so than Riley, and b.) praise June Jones, while ignoring the offensive struggles of THAT team. Is there someone that just can't be denied in our American national character, forgiving management of anything, while blaming those carrying out their policies endlessly. Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone in this thread laid ANY responsibility at the feet of Wade Phillips compared to Tony Romo? Oh, I guess it was Mr. Jocks and Socks who put all the personnel together, and was recently quoted (in so many words) as saying, "I can't be fired for personnel decisions". This is just my opinion, but the real difference between the football programs at UNT and Cowboys Stadium is that the jury is still out on whether UNT can become a good football team under the present coaching staff; the Cowboys can never really improve while Jerry Jones is their general manager. If, some year soon, a Cowboys team went to, and even won the Super Bowl again, the measure of success (and cotinued employment) for the Head Coach would be how much credit he could direct towards Jones.
  20. Folks, here's what really matters: At some point, we have to beat FAU in football. This year's homecoming game would be a great time to accomplish that feat.
  21. That may all be true, but from what I've heard about "the system" that Tony Franklin taught in his seminars, that is one part of his offensive strategy, the so called "Nascar" offense. At least that's something Steve Lineweaver mentioned in one of the Euless Trinity booster club meetings. Honestly, I saw less than one quarter of the Carroll team under Dodge, but for some reason I expected his offense to have more of a "hurry up" look, or to go to that at times.
  22. It's been improvised unisex bathrooms at every rock and roll concert I've attended at the Starplex, or whatever they call it now. Me like.
  23. I used to love going to Austin back in the day (yes, 60's and early 70's for me). I've hated going there in recent years; the traffic is among the worst I've seen anywhere. At least the DFW area had the leadership at some point to get some rail transit started.
  24. A "fifth column"?
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